“Every negative feeling is like an unwanted cyst or tumor within the body. Imagine you can tune into and locate this unwanted lump of cells. Once found, mentally pretend you can pull it out and dispose of it, forever.”
Matt Furey
Psycho-Cybernetics - See Yourself at Your Best
Matt Furey's Super Human Success Blog
by Matt Furey
“Every negative feeling is like an unwanted cyst or tumor within the body. Imagine you can tune into and locate this unwanted lump of cells. Once found, mentally pretend you can pull it out and dispose of it, forever.”
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
“Opportunities for advancement don’t appear to exist in the reality of the goal-less. Once a person decides upon a goal, opportunities suddenly and frequently appear. Just as ‘night crawlers’ appear when it rains, opportunities appear when we have goals.”
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Got a great question in yesterday about the Theatre of the Mind process. See below, followed by my answer:
Hi Roy,
Yes. ALL of us have the ability to mentally picture, imagine and visualize. And when we do it with deep emotion, we start becoming the predominant creative force in our lives that we’re capable of being. We begin to manifest the miracles we’ve always dreamed about but felt we couldn’t have.
So think of it this way, all of us dream in pictures. We don’t just dream in sounds, smells, tastes and feelings. This means all of us CAN picture what we want in the waking state, too. You just need to reawaken the ability when you’re… “AWAKE.”
To get better at seeing mental pictures, close your eyes and remember what each room in your house looks like. Then proceed to the contents in your dresser, on and in your desk as well as what’s in the bathroom. The bathroom is an easy one for most because we spend a lot of time on the porcelain throne. Can you see your own toilet? Did the last person who used it remember to flush?
Hey, if you just grossed yourself out reading my words, how’d you do that unless you mentally pictured something disgusting?
Here’s the takeaway: If you have trouble seeing the future, then start with what you remember, start with the here and now. This will convince you that you have the ability to imagine/visualize. And it will cause you to transfer the ability to the present and future.
Matt Furey
P.S. Your questions about the Theatre of the Mind process and other aspects of goal setting, visualization and so on are welcome.
by Matt Furey
“If you feel like you’re really trying, really struggling to succeed – that’s a clue you’re way off track. We do our best work when we’re not trying, when we’re in a state of flow. Relax your body and breathe deeply. Picture what you want with deep emotion. Then ‘let it go’ and let ‘er rip. Our bodies can do what our unconscious mind knows can be done. Trying adds doubt to the process. Stop trying and DO.”
Matt Furey
Note: To put yourself into this state of flow, begin your day with Theatre of the Mind.
by Matt Furey
“Success is directly proportional to how willing you are to fall down and enthusiastically get back up for another round. The person who keeps getting back up truly believes he will eventually succeed – and he does.”
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of people talk about “Mercury in retrograde.” Invariably, those who speak about it do so with fear and resistance.
“Don’t make any big business decisions, Mercury is in retrograde.”
“Don’t buy anything expensive, you may regret it, Mercury is in retrograde.”
“If you have communication problems with anyone, it’s understandable, Merc is in retro.
From observing HUMAN BEINGS, I notice there are people who are still professional when Mercury is in retrograde. Nothing changes for them. I also observe those who resist success, those who procrastinate, those who always have reasons to NOT get anything done, now have an even bigger reason to not do anything.
Let’s look at how a professional and a top-notch “do nothing” handles ole Merc when it’s in retrograde – which by the way, happens three or four times per year and eats up nearly 1/3 of the calendar year.
Pros: The professional athlete still suits up and plays, regardless of what Mercury is doing or not doing. He would NEVER look at the scoreboard or his performance and blame it on anything other than himself. The pro believes that HE influences his environment by how he thinks and acts. He understands that his beliefs, his mental movies are primary – not secondary, in creating his life.
Do Nothings: Those who procrastinate are always looking for reasons to rationalize NOT getting anything done. They’re looking for reasons to be passive. They’re looking for proof that when Mercury is in Retrograde – it’s bad, bad, bad. And, just as the Pro creates, so does the “do nothing.” It’s just that the “do nothing” creates nothing worthy of admiration.
The Pro goes out and plays to win – and does. The “do nothing” avoids doing in order to “not get hurt” – but doesn’t avoid hurting himself or wasting his life.
From a business standpoint, professional teams make trades and major decisions when Mercury is in retrograde as well as when it isn’t. Some decisions are right and some are wrong. Just like ANY other time of the year.
Imagine delaying all trade decisions because of a belief that it it’ll go bad if you do. And imagine if you have this belief about Mercury in Retrograde and you decide to go ahead anyway. Would the outcome tend to confirm your belief?
You better believe it.
Here’s a perfect example: Some years ago I met a man who wouldn’t even make a purchase when Mercury was in Retrograde. He desperately wanted to build a new website and start creating products to sell – but ole Merc was holding him back. I talked to him and told him I thought his belief was a self-fulfilling prophecy. So he decided to go ahead and prove me wrong.
The next day he told me how he tried to get everything going after we spoke, and it was as if Murphy’s Law were operating just for him. He went out to make a purchase in a major store, and he got double-billed. Then, the process of getting the error corrected took another 15 minutes. “It was a nightmare,” he said.
Yet, here’s the exciting news. This man was the ONLY person in the store who got double-billed when he purchased that day. He was the ONLY one who had to wait for 15 minutes to get it corrected. And hundreds of purchases were made that day.
I said, “If you interviewed all the people who bought today, and told them Mercury was in Retrograde, I’ll bet that almost all would say, ‘Huh?'”
“But for you,” I continued, “you believe Mercury determines what happens on days like this, you expected things to go wrong, and so they did.”
I know people who started businesses this summer, who started getting fit this summer, who started to heal broken relationships during our latest Mercury in retrograde extravaganza – which by the way, isn’t over yet.
These people all have two things in common:
1. They don’t believe that a planet determines their fate.
2. They believe in and practice T.O.M. – Theatre of the Mind – on a regular basis. And this practice has, as a fundamental premise, that your have a success as well as a failure mechanism inside your brain. And YOU decide which one you’re going to use.
The success mechanism is activated by thinking of goals as well as past memories of success. Then when you get out there and get things done, day in and day out, all year long, success becomes a habit.
The failure mechanism looks for excuses and reasons to not do something. It looks for rationalizations. And once found or experienced, instead of being in “flow” – you live with resistance.
Zero Resistance Living – what a concept. Sliding through life.
Planetary Resistance Living – what a dreadful idea.
Remember, you are the one who decides what you’ll focus on and what you focus on has an uncanny way of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Why not have a self-fulfilling LIFE that’s filled with the achievement of an entire array of goals – all year long?
Theatre of the Mind will lead you there.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Almost everyday we hear from the “latest scandal in professional sports.” A-Rod used drugs; so did Ryan Braun; so did yada-yada.
Meanwhile, men and women whose brains appear to be operating above and beyond the norm – are succeeding without fanfare – and they’re doing it in every professional and amateur arena.
No one would ever accuse these men and women of being on steroids because “physically” they aren’t what you’d call imposing figures.
But when it comes to what these people do to “fire up” their brains – the results are so astonishing that it’s “as if” they’re on steroids. Yet, they most certainly are not.
Let me give you an example: Ryan, an 18-year old man needed to improve his SAT scores by at least 140 points to be awarded a college scholarship. He learned to “fire up” his brain and nervous system with an esoteric technique called Theatre of the Mind – and three weeks later, with no additional studying, he shattered his previous SAT score, earning a $9,000.00 per year scholarship.
I must point out that Ryan had tried to bump up his score on a previous “re-do” – but failed. This was AFTER six months of tutoring and several thousand dollars.
Then there’s Michael, a recreational league golfer who was so frustrated at his performance that he was ready to quit the game. But after being taught the high-powered Theatre of the Mind technique, he went out and shot his best game of the year. Once again, he did this without additional practice. All he did was learn how to put his brain and nervous system “on steroids.”
As the teacher of this technique, which used to be a closely guarded secret. I’ve seen Theatre of the Mind work magic and miracles in lives all over the world.
Students who were getting failing grades shaped up and started to get all A’s and B’s.
Athletes who struggled suddenly became “overnight” stars.
Entrepreneurs and salespeople dramatically improved their businesses.
People who were afraid of their own shadows became confident in the art of public speaking.
Results galore were raved about in the 35 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics, written by the late Maxwell Maltz, M.D. – a cosmetic surgeon and author who taught that most people go about making changes on the “outside” when the real issue is one’s “self-image” – the mental blueprint that influences your every act.
Once you change the mental blueprint, your results change – and do so in dramatic fashion. Your inner world controls your outer world.
Now, with Theatre of the Mind brought to life in living color, for the first time ever people can learn this jaw-dropping technique in the privacy of their own home or office.
Virtually anything you want to achieve with Theatre of the Mind is possible, including weight loss, memory improvement, better grades, better relationships as well as the elimination of addictions.
Be sure to claim your copy of this DVD NOW – and put your life on a path to success that most people only dream about.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Getting things done. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Think of all the unfinished projects, all the half or nearly-completed goals you abandoned; all the “I’ll get to it tomorrow” stuff that’s currently lost in limbo land – and now, TODAY, you’re going to finally get ‘er done.
Then the “rational” voice inside your head gives you some seemingly benign guidance.
“Wait until tomorrow,” it says.
It sounds like a great idea, so you nod in agreement.
Then tomorrow arrives and guess what? You’re no longer excited about the idea.
You no longer think about doing it “tomorrow.” Most likely you forgot you even had the idea and so you begin again, searching for something else that will excite you today – but will require zero action until TOMORROW.
It’s always tomorrow. It’s always manana.
What to DO?
Well, the idea of DOING something assumes that your difficulty in getting things done is a physical issue instead of a “mental game” issue.
Perhaps you don’t need to DO ANYTHING just yet. Why? Because forcing yourself to DO may be the whole reason why you are so reluctant to get anything done in the first place.
There’s a famous copywriter (who passed away some years back) who was fond of saying, “Movement is superior to meditation.”
It always got a laugh, and it appears true – accept for one thing. The guy who coined the phrase was a notorious procrastinator. His ability to put things off was legendary, so much so that the only way you were guaranteed to get any work out of him was to be at his side as you pressured him to get it done TODAY.
The truth is it’s easy to come up with catchy slogans. It’s far easier to come up with them than to LIVE them.
It’s just as easy to whip up a “5 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time” list. In fact, I can double it and make it 10 Ways – and chances are you’ll still procrastinate, put off till tomorrow, delay and so on.
Unless something inside YOU changes. And this something is NOT changed by DOING, by making lists, by checking stuff off your list or by having a sophisticated time management system.
Let me prove it to you.
Listed below are 5 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time. And following each “way” you’ll see how the person who doesn’t get stuff done will often respond to each one.
5 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time
1. Make a list before you go to bed at night – “Great idea, but I’m tired and think if I do it first thing in the morning, I’ll be better off.”
2. Review your list in the morning – “Isn’t making the list good enough? Who has time to review?”
3. Tackle what’s important vs. what is urgent – “If I don’t do what’s urgent I’ll never get anything done.”
4. Exercise each day – for every hour you exercise you’ll get three more hours of productivity. – “Who has time for an hour of exercise per day? Forget that.”
5. Give yourself a reward for getting stuff done. – “I buy stuff everyday whether I deserve a reward or not.”
Okay, enough of the above.
Let’s change our focus to the heart of the “issue.” The real reason you don’t get stuff done is you don’t SEE YOURSELF as a person who gets things done.
Even if you make the list, review the list and start checking things you got done off the list – you won’t keep doing this for very long if there’s been no change in your SELF-IMAGE.
And the chance of there being a change in how you see yourself from behavioral changes alone is very slim.
This is why the majority of people who begin ANYTHING quit within three weeks of starting. Fitness programs and diets are the perfect example of this truth. Big gyms bank on the fact that most of those who sign up for a membership will not go. If they did, you’d need 10X the number of parking spaces.
This proves that DOING before a change is made INTERNALLY leads to NOT doing. If nothing changes inside the brain and nervous system, then nothing substantial or long-term changes on the outside.
Yep, you got moving, you rejected “meditation” – but now you’re back to the same old YOU.
So, how do you get out of this mess?
Answer: Don’t move. And don’t meditate.
Instead, go to the movies in a place called Theatre of the Mind.
In this theatre, you go back in time and watch scenes from the “good old days” – the days when you you got things done easily, without resistance, without struggle – and perhaps without a written list of any sort.
As you’re guided through these scenes from your past, something begins to change within your brain and nervous system. As you SEE YOURSELF the way you were in the past, you realize you can be that person NOW, today as well as tomorrow and every other day.
You SEE yourself DOING first. You SEE it in a relaxed way. No tension whatsoever. And then the DOING is EASY.
You get into a state of FLOW and you amaze yourself and others who you’ve changed for the better.
This means that the most important item on any “to do list” of someone who really wants to get things done but struggles with resistance and procrastination, is the self-image fixer known as Theatre of the Mind.
15 minutes per day will change the way your whole day flows. Instead of fighting yourself to get things done, you’ll just do things, and you’ll do them without any rah-rah or prodding.
Grab your copy of Theatre of the Mind NOW and discover this truth for yourself.
You’ll soon be amazed at how much you get done without feeling like you’re trying.
Matt Furey
P.S. If you already have Theatre of the Mind, then proceed to the full blown program known as Zero Resistance Living, which is currently offered at an 80% discount.
by Matt Furey
This morning, shortly after getting up, I took a quick glance at the sports pages, then grabbed a book to read. I’ve found that 30 minutes of inspirational reading, early in the day, can lead to greatly increased productivity for the rest of it.
There’s a saying, “Readers are leaders.”
Then again, there are many people who read to avoid doing something. Reading is their way to resist what their heart longs for, wants and could have, if they’d eliminate all the distractions and make time for it.
Last night, while speaking to a group of people I coach, I told them to make a list of everything they do, want to do or think about doing each day.
This is not a “to do list.” This is not a time management list. This is NOT a list for you to organize activities into A, B, C categories.
This is a list of what you want to do as well as every friggin thing you think about doing, or do, to KEEP yourself STUCK.
With very little effort, I came up with 56 items. Fifty freaking six.
Now, how many of these do you think are important? How many do you think are urgent? How many are helpful to me or someone else?
At least half, and I’m being conservative, were total bullshit distractions, none of which amount to a damn thing when you examine your life.
Think of all the time people spend watching tee-vee. Think of all the time wasted as people are checking their Facebook, Twitter and the rest of their social media.
The ultimate time wasting rabbit hold is social media. All day long, nothing gets done, but boy oh boy, do I have a lot of friends and followers.
Truth is you got NOTHING DONE after spending hours surfing the web and crawling around on social media sites. Personally, I think it’s designed, in part, to keep you distracted from getting stuff done. It’s designed to keep you stuck.
A couple months ago I re-opened my FB page for a number of reasons – and I’m proud to say that I have spent less than 20 minutes TOTAL – since I re-opened the page. Yippee.
What most people don’t realize is that there are hard-core addictions, and there are “softer” addictions that only appear to be harmless distractions.
Regardless of whether the addiction is hard or soft, if you look at the amount of time you devoted to them, you’ll see that both are snuffing the life right out of you. They’re robbing you of becoming who and what you know in your heart you’d like to be, but are afraid of becoming.
And I’m no different than you in regard to the amount of garbage that is begging for my time and energy and de-focused attention.
Every day, a battle rages on. Are you going to get stuff done – or are you going to wimp out and give in to distractions?
Each day that I get up and read something inspiring, practice Theatre of the Mind and get busy creating, is a great day. Each day that I get up and wing it – well, “All bets are off.”
Holding on to the GOOD HABITS is nothing you can take for granted. They’ll slip away like greased lightning if you don’t continually remind yourself to practice them. If you don’t guard your good habits, before you realize it, your whole day will be preoccupied with distractions, trivia and worthless crap.
Tomorrow is Independence Day. Why not make it a day where you declare your independence from all the distractions that are vying for your time?
An easy way to do so is by following my Theatre of the Mind practice. Get up, put it on, follow along with me, then stand back in AWE as you take charge of your life.
Grab your copy now and watch your life get better and better and better.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Last night I was with my son at a pitching and conditioning workout, and when the session ended, I was asked a question I’ve never been asked before, in quite the same way.
“When did you have your awakening?”
Woooh, such a direct question, it caught me off guard. I paused for several long seconds.
“Well,” I said. “I cannot claim to be fully awake. I believe there are different levels of awakening. I’ve been through a number of those layers, but I think it would be presumptuous to say I’m awakened.”
“Okay, when was your first awakening?”
“In 1987, when I began my first business.”
“And how was that an awakening?”
“Real simple. When you go into business, you confront your fears in a big way. For me, it was realizing that I didn’t know ANYTHING about business, yet I got started. And when it dawned on me that I didn’t know anything, I had to get myself to a place where I believed:
‘This is no different than sports. If I was able to figure out what it takes to win a national title in college, then I can figure this out. All I need to do is discover what I’m supposed to do, then do it.'”
“Really, so you saw business as if it was a sport you’re working to succeed in?”
“Pretty much. I believed if I knew what to do and was willing to work my ass off, I’d succeed.”
“And because I had this belief, I was fortunate enough to enroll a couple businessmen who offered their suggestions. I did everything they advised. One of them, whose name was Jack, told me about the book, Psycho-Cybernetics. He asked if I’d ever read it. When I said ‘no’ he told me that it was ‘like the Bible of self-help books.’ As soon as our session ended I went to the bookstore and picked up a copy.'”
“Okay, and what did the book help you learn?”
“It taught me to stop focusing on my failures. It taught me to think of my successes instead. It taught me that by doing so I would change my self-image and the self-image was the blueprint for who I was as a person.”
“Okay, okay.This is great stuff. Keep going.”
“When I first started in business I was still carrying a feeling of failure about my college wrestling career. I won the national title as a junior. As a senior, despite being far better technically, I took fifth. I was crushed afterward. I felt like a total loser. When I read Psycho-Cybernetics, I realized I could go back and relive my junior year and discard the senior season. I was making a choice each day as to what I was focusing on, failure or success.”
“This is awesome. I know a lot of people who could apply what you’re talking about.”
“Well, that’d be most people,” I said. “I’ve even taught this to professional athletes, and you’d think they are beyond the feeling of failure stage.”
“So what did you do with your positive memories?”
“I started to relive them with a technique called Theatre of the Mind. I’d go back onto the mat and see myself getting my hand raised. Or any other success I liked to recall, including getting an ‘A’ in a class. Then I’d carry this imagery and the positive feelings it gave me into my business. Doing so gave me a feeling of confidence that I would succeed, even though I didn’t know what I was doing and had much to learn.”
“Very cool.”
“Pretty soon the phone began to ring with new prospects when no one was calling before. Some seemed to come from ‘out of the blue.’ It was ‘cosmic.’ That’s when I began to realize there’s an unseen Field or Force that our emotionalized thoughts tap into. It’s not positive thinking as much as it is positive remembering and positive projecting.'”
We continued to talk for another 30 minutes before it was time for a well-deserved meal. While eating I kept thinking about our conversation and the word “awakening.”
When you overcome those feelings of failure, when you let go of mistakes from the past, when you come to grips with the fact that ALL of us have mental movies of success – and all we need to do to get the ball rolling is start playing those positive movies – well then, you AWAKEN. You tap into MORE of who you really are and what you can become.
There are many techniques that tell you they’ll turn your life around – but none are better than Theatre of the Mind. I encourage you to get a copy for yourself or for a friend, today. Start reliving your positive memories, then stand back and observe how they start bringing more positive experiences into your life.
Matt Furey
“The word cybernetics comes from a Greek term that means ‘a helmsman who steers his ship to port.’ Psycho-Cybernetics is a term I coined which means, ‘Steering your mind to a productive, useful goal …. so you can reach the greatest port in the world … peace of mind. With it, you’re somebody. Without it, you’re nothing.'”
– Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of 30 million copy best-seller Psycho-Cybernetics
Matt Furey has a FREE PDF of a "lost" special report by Maxwell Maltz called "When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work" - and how to put it to work in your own life and how to put it to work in your own life.
Copyright © 2002-2016 Psycho-Cybernetics, LLC
Hello and welcome to Psycho-Cybernetics.com - the official site for the original (and expanded) teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 35 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics. I’m Matt Furey, author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio book, Maxwell Maltz’ Theatre of the Mind.
When you subscribe to our Psycho-Cybernetics emails, I will immediately send you an email containing a FREE PDF ($100 value) of my Theatre of the Mind Masters Newsletter called Defeating the Failure Mechanism, which also features a Dr. Maltz piece, When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work. This highly regarded newsletter will show you how to apply the suggestions contained within it into your own life… and make changes for the BETTER!
Matt Furey
President, Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation