Who Else Wants a New Self-Image and ALL the Rewards it Brings?
Dear Friend,

Matt Furey
If you want more living out of life, if you want to reach your goals by upgrading your self-image while eradicating fear, worry and self-doubt, if you want to live each day in a state of flow, without resistance, then I have some fabulous news for you.
But first… hello and welcome to the Official Site of Psycho-Cybernetics and Theatre of the Mind.
My name is Matt Furey, President of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation and co-author of Psycho-Cybernetics: Updated and Expanded. I am also the author of the Nightingale-Conant best-selling audio book, Maxwell Maltz’ Theatre of the Mind. Hopefully you have already read Dr. Maltz’ book and listened to my audio program. They are game-changers.
Anyway, this website is the place where we dive deeper into the teachings of Dr. Maltz. This is where we heal internal scars, where you learn how to give yourself an emotional face lift. It is where we transform the agonizing pain of defeat, failure, frustration and loneliness into courage, confidence, love, gratitude and peace of mind. This is where you learn to finally reach your goals, by removing the obstacles that have been lying in your way.
As a reconstructive plastic surgeon, Dr. Maltz realized that although “plastic surgery” benefited 0.5% of the population, the other 99.5% had unresolved emotional scars from the past. The good news is that these emotional scars can be removed by changing your self-image. Successful living comes about when you become aware of the negative and limiting mental images playing in your mind. And when you change these negative images to their positive counterpart, the new images change the way you feel and the way you move about in the world.
Once these internal scars are transformed, what follows is a life of success and happiness with you reaching “the greatest port in the world: peace of mind.” Once these scars are removed, you will begin to feel and act differently, and you will effortlessly begin taking the actions you’ve been putting off for far too long.
On this blog and in my daily emails, I will be giving you Psycho-Cybernetics success tips for transforming your self-image and achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself.
By subscribing you will get a FREE PDF test-drive of Theatre of the Mind Masters, the monthly newsletter that goes out to all our coaching members throughout the world.
If you want to move up in this world in dramatic, stunning fashion, becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be, isn’t NOW the perfect time to check it out?
Matt Furey
President, Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation
Author of Maxwell Maltz’ Theatre of the Mind