Still setting all those big, hairy, scary long-term goals?
How you coming along?
Yes, you better believe there is a simpler, better, easier and non-scary way to put yourself on the path to achieving more than you ever thought possible.
And it doesn’t require you to look five, 10 or 20 years into the future in every area of your life.
It doesn’t require that you SET GOALS THAT SCARE YOU.
It doesn’t require you to get out of your COMFORT ZONE.
It doesn’t require MASSIVE ACTION.
Nor does it require you to THINK BIG.
None of the above were taught by Dr. Maxwell Maltz in his classical best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics. None of the above are taught by me.
I’m currently in the process of interviewing prospective coaching clients – people who want to get the real goods on successful living.
If you want to go beyond where you currently are, if you want to follow a simple approach to successful living that gives you results you can look at and examine on a daily basis, then reach out to me and we’ll see where it leads.
Matt Furey