Every day you have work to do, but someone or something keeps getting in your way, distracting you from the task at hand.
The “something” may be a “feeling” that you’re not ready yet. Or you may be waiting for the right mood to strike.
The “someone” may be friends,husband, wife, brother, sister,neighbor or someone in the media who’s taking up your time. If only you didn’t have to deal with this person, you’d get what you want done.
Or you just had a fight with someone, and the intensity of it left you dry. No inspiration right now – gotta clear the fog and heal first.
I know a woman who has many fantastic ideas she could be creating right now. Many books she could be writing. Many audio and video programs she could be recording. And she’s always ready to get started, until her husband gets off work. As soon as that happens, all bets are off.
I know a man who is the same way. He’s gung ho, ready to go, loaded for bear – until his wife calls. Then everything goes to the back burner.
Nothing gets done that day.
Or for the next week.
Or month.
Or year.
Everything is always on hold – and it’s always something or someone else’s fault.
Or is it?
Yes, I understand family duties, obligations and so on. But when they are ALWAYS the reason you don’t get anything done, then you’re lying to yourself.
As the saying, goes, “Grow a backbone.” Take charge of your life. If you won’t do it, no one else will.
What could you do with your life if no one, including YOU, was stopping you from creating the life you want? What could you do with your life if NOTHING, including your own thoughts, was holding you back?
Sure, I’ve had times when I’d rather procrastinate, blame, focus on what’s inconsequential, and so on. I’ve had times when I don’t feel like creating.
And the FASTEST way out of them is 15 minutes of Theatre of the Mind. I close my eyes, breathe deeply, and begin picturing what I want. But just before picturing what I want, I do something else.
This “something else” gives me the RAW JUICE to charge into my day with gusto and enthusiasm.
One blast of this juice – which feels like it’s contained in a 5-gallon jug – fills every single cell in my brain and body. When this happens, I’m ALIVE and ready to go after creating what I want. And no one is going to stop me. Neither is anything else.
Especially ME.
When I AM not distracted, when I AM focused on what matters to me – who or what is going to get in the way?
Answer: Nothing.
You can have this same feeling when you sit and go through the Theatre of the Mind DVD with me each day. It’ll change your life by getting YOU out of YOUR own way.
And when you’re out of your own way, others will get out of the way, too.
Matt Furey