Shania Twain may have said it best in her song, “That Don’t Impress Me Much.”
The more we TRY to impress others, the less natural we are, the less flow we experience and the less power we have.
Consequently, the more we try the more we fail. And when we try even harder, we end up even more frustrated.
But then, one day we throw our hands up and exclaim, “So what? It’s not the end of the world. I’ll live through it either way.”
And what happens?
We succeed much more often because we are FREE.
Free to stop over-thinking and DO. Free to be Natural and at EASE.
Yes, caring about how you do is a factor – but caring TOO MUCH is never a good thing. It’s a distraction because it overwhelms our brain and nervous system with unnecessary feedback. Plus, our intention is mixed. Not only do we want what we want – but now we want to impress someone else on top of itt. Take care of yourself. You cannot impress others no matter how much you try, so focus on what matters and nothing else.
This is why the art of letting go (of your breath) is so powerful. When we want something so badly that we stifle our breathing and tense our bodies, the result is generally lackluster, at best.
When you OVER-care or OVER-think about a result, that’s the time to tell your servo-mechanism to take over. Inhale and exhale and trust the creative mechanism.
You’ve already pictured what you want – now it’s time to let go of it and be totally free.
Inhale deeply and let your breath go.
When you focus on your breath, you become natural. When you stop trying to impress, more often than not, you’ll end up being shocked with how different the result is for you, and how easy it was in comparison to the other approach.
Matt Furey