“Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson.
If you have something you want to do, something you want to accomplish, but instead of moving forward you sit around and do nothing, I have some enlightening news for you that will turn your life around.
The other day I was talking with a client, who has written over 4,000 poems.
You might wonder how long it took her to write so many poems. That, my friend, is a good question, but an even better one is, how did she write so many?
At first it may appear that she must have had a BIG GOAL, one in which she would write 4,000 poems, but that is not the case.
She had only one goal, a daily goal, that she religiously repeated every day for over 10 years. What was her goal? It was to write “one poem per day.”
Now, this woman, despite writing 4,000 poems, never really thought about going through them and publishing the “best of the best.”
But then one day, the idea of publishing her poetry came to mind, and she immediately began moving forward. Soon, her first volume of poetry will be published.
The question I began with today: “Who’s holding you back?” may now come to mind when pondering this situation.
The answer to this question is surprisingly simple. No one was holding her back. She wasn’t even holding herself back. She just hadn’t thought about publishing her poems because she was busy helping all her clients, but as soon as she put her mental radar on this new idea, heaven and earth began to move.
Our thoughts, i.e. our mental pictures, are “what” either hold us back or launch us forward.
Oftentimes, we hold ourselves back out of fear, worry or self-doubt. But then there are other times when we’ve held ourselves back because we weren’t even thinking about the wide range of possibilities that are readily available to us, if we take the time to “imagine different.”
Here endeth the lesson!
Matt Furey
P.S. “Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm,” wrote Emerson. Well then, how do you increase your enthusiasm so that you accomplish something great? The answer will be revealed next Wednesday, February 19, in my Theatre of the Mind™ Intensive, being held at 7 PM EST. This intensive is not for Lookie Lou’s or tire kickers. It’s neither free nor is it cheap, as I want people who are committed to their success. Are you the type of person who is ready to turn your life around, for the better? Someone who wants to get his or her mojo back and GET your goals instead of setting them? If so, email me at goals@psycho-cybernetics.com for the link to the forthcoming Theatre of the Mind™ Intensive.