For example, let’s say you decide you want to write a book, become a painter, get into great shape, get certified in yoga – or some other endeavor.
At first, you’re excited about the idea. You’re pumped. You cannot wait to get started.
The next day, after a good night’s sleep, you don’t feel like the same person anymore. You have doubts, fears, worries, uncertainties. And without truly realizing it, you’re already backing away from what you wanted.
I doubt anyone was whispering garbage into your ears while you were sleeping. Yet, you woke up in a very different state of being. The garbage was ALREADY inside.
You felt resistance. You felt something, some type of energy that you cannot quite put your finger on, trying to stop you.
So the question: Who put the garbage in? Was it your mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, teacher, coach, teammate, classmate, friend, enemy, dog or cat? Or a combination of the above?
Was it your genetics? Or your nationality? Your race, religion, gender or creed?
Was it your astrological profile?
Or was it YOU?
Imagine a golfer getting ready to hit the ball off a tee. As he’s doing so, he worries about how he’s going to hit the ball. He thinks about where it’s going to go. How recalls the last round he played, and how poorly he did.
As he’s preparing himself – everyone around him is silent. All people are giving him respect.
No garbage needs to go in at this point. It’s already there.
And when he finally swings, there’s so much tension in his body that disappointment fills the air.
His swing was GARBAGE because his mind was filled with GARBAGE.
He didn’t understand the adage, Calm Mind – Calm Body.
If only he knew how to calm himself before each swing, he’d be a very different athlete.
The same goes for any endeavor. Whether you’re in the business of selling, writing, speaking, doing surgery, coaching, teaching or making friends – the calmest minds think the fastest and perform at their best. And their calmness rubs off on those who are around them.
Then there are those who are filled with tension. They pass it on as well.
No one wants to talk to them because they’re uncomfortable being human. They rub everyone the wrong way, even when they’re not saying anything.
This is why you can improve ANY skill just by learning to be a calmer, more relaxed human being.
Want to speak, write, teach and/or communicate so others will feel compelled to listen? Then learn the art of calmness.
Want to improve your performance in a sport, martial art or creative endeavor? Then learn to calm your mind and your body.
When you learn to do this, the garbage will leave you. Your mind will be clear and you’ll function at your best more often than not.
And the more you perform at your best – the more you CAN perform at your best.
In Zero Resistance Living, you learn how to give yourself the “calm mind-calm body” that is the hallmark of high achievers.
Show me a professional in anything and I’ll show you someone who makes a supposedly difficult job look easy.
You cannot perform like a pro with tension.
You’ll need a calm mind and body for that.
Over the years Zero Resistance Living has sold for as much as $995 – but now, for a limited time, you can get it for a much lower amount.
Make sure you claim your copy now so you can begin living like a PRO.
Matt “Coach” Furey