One month ago, a client said to me: “I was doing what you taught me regarding affirmations. I reworded mine and let me tell you, my brain was lit up.”
“Excellent,” I replied.
He continued: “The entire time I was repeating three phrases you helped me with, and it was amazing. I spent a half-hour doing this and the time flew by.”
“So the phrases you were repeating turned are working,” I stated.
“Yes, I guess you could say that.”
“Good. Now tell me about what you were visualizing?”
“Uh, that’s what I want to talk to you about. I’m not sure WHAT to picture. I don’t know what to visualize or how to do it?”
“Well, what’s the objective?” I replied.
“I want to increase my income. I want to find better employment or even have my own business. I want to travel the world,” he answered.
“That’s three objectives,” I smiled.
“Yes, so what do I visualize and how?”
As odd as this client’s question may sound to you, people who aren’t good at visualizing don’t know what to picture. And they don’t know HOW to picture it.
People who are good at visualizing and, more importantly, manifesting, are great at choosing what to picture and what to say when they talk to themselves.
The confusion lies in the gobbledygook popularly taught in self-development books and courses.
Well-meaning coaches teach you to “get out of your comfort zone.”
They teach you to use “I AM” affirmations that are stated as though they are already an accomplished fact.
They tell you that everything is about BELIEF, and to a degree it is, but then they give you an academically challenging way to change your beliefs through repetition and force. This, I have found to be totally unnatural and… unnecessary. Beliefs can be upgraded with spontaneous ease, and the key is doing so in such a way that you don’t even recognize they’ve been upgraded.
They tell you to “take massive action” – when there’s no such thing in reality. 2,500 years ago, Lao Tzu stated, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” He wrote nothing about taking massive action.
They tell you to THINK BIG… and although there are elements of this that are true, they have much of it wrong when it comes to goals.
They tell you to set goals that scare you. Although this may be true for a small percentage of people, it is not true for those who have set goals and failed over and over and over again.
Most importantly, all of the admonitions listed above run counter to the principles of Psycho-Cybernetics. Every last one of them.
Dr. Maltz didn’t teach people to set goals that “scare you.” He didn’t teach massive action. He didn’t tell you to get out of your comfort zone.
So what the hell happened?
In my estimation, the self-development movement got high-jacked by people who were not necessarily successful in anything other than writing a best-selling self-development book.
In my particular case, not only have I succeeded in many arenas, I’ve done so when I started from nothing, or less than nothing.
I also did something that almost nobody does. I went into a “90% retired” state of mind and remained there for almost 10 years. I proudly refer to that chapter of my life as “meditative retirement.”
During our most-recent crisis, an eagerness to reach out and teach those who truly want to transform their lives for the better descended upon me.
As a result, I started a Mind Power Monthly Coaching Program with two levels.
Certain elements of the coaching program are set to begin on June 10, others will commence a little later this month.
If you’re interested in being involved, drop me a line.
If you’re only interested in spying on my ad copy, so you can “hack it” – you’re going to be disappointed.
The information I provide to interested parties is bare bones only. There is zero attempt to compel you to make a positive decision. You either realize you want what I have to teach, or you don’t.
The fee for being involved is set high enough to keep the ingrates and manipulators out.
There will be some who attempt to enroll who will be denied based upon their previous history of “trying” something for a month, then dropping, only to come back a few months later, and repeating the same pattern.
This means I am only looking for and enrolling people who are really want it. The lukewarm are not allowed
If you are one of those who really wants to go to the next level, drop me a message and I’ll send you the “bare-bones” info.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey