Today is January 7, 2025. And by now most people’s New Years Resolutions are kaput.
For those of you who’ve set fitness goals instead of resolutions for the New Year, that’s a step better, but still insufficient compared to what I do.
I don’t set goals. I do something different. I GET GOALS.
Some of the goals I get are written down – many aren’t. Yet, I GET them.
What do I do to GET my goals?
A big part of what I do is focus on them in my “mind’s eye.” As a results I cannot get the goals I have out of my mind. I am obsessed with them.
Another thing I do is refrain from setting long-range goals. I would much rather GET 1,000 daily wins in a year than put all my hopes and dreams on a few big ones.
As a result of having at least one daily goal that I go after with gusto, guess what happens? I GET a lot of other big accomplishments that I didn’t count on.
So my advice to you is simple yet profound. I’ve said it before and written about it, too:
When you focus on the big
you stumble on every twig.
When you focus on the small,
you realize you can have it all.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey
P.S. I’m having a Goal-Getting Intensive on Wednesday, January 15, at 7 PM EST. It will be a two-hour presentation that will forever change your life for the better, followed by a QnA. Interested in attending (only 17 seats remain), then email me: