In order to get what you want in life, it’s often necessary to give up something that is blocking you.
Usually the thing that is blocking you is your engagement in an activity that could be classified as nonproductive, or a waste of time.
What is a waste of your time?
Is it too much time before the television? Too much time scrolling on social media? Too much time talking on the phone and/or texting?
There’s always something you can give up so you “have more time.”
Knowing what you want is a big part of the goal getting process, but so is eliminating activities that are standing in your way.
Ponder this for a few minutes with a pen in your hand and a journal before you.
Take some notes today as you imagine and feel.
Now is the moment you will succeed.
You know what you want and you make it real.
For you willingly give up what you don’t really need.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey