There’s a link in your brain to all future successes.
And almost everyone misses this ONE critical link to getting much better results in the here and now.
This link is, in part, having a goal for what you want to accomplish in the future, but that is only one side of the success coin.
The other side of the coin is remembering and reviewing previous success experiences. You can overlook this part of the equation if you want, and most do. ‘Tis why they aren’t getting what they want out of life.
Even worse, many people dwell on their previous failures, mistakes and setbacks.
Reviewing mistakes to eliminate and improve your game is one thing, and it is important. Critically important. I refer to this as MMCC – Make Mistakes, Correct Course. In order to do this you must put yourself in learning mode – and remain there.
But looking at mistakes over and over with feelings of regret crosses the line from being in learning mode to activating the failure mechanism within your brain. Hopefully you don’t want to activate this mechanism.
The polar opposite of the above is RRWW – Remembering and Reviewing What Works.
When you review previous successes or accomplishments, you activate the success mechanism within. You turn off the failure mechanism and flood your brain and nervous system with natural feel-awesome neurotransmitters.
Again, you can skip this step of remembering and reviewing what works, but I wouldn’t advise it because you are unwittingly pressing the accelerator while also putting the brakes on. You’re attempting to go on a long trip in a sports car with no fuel.
This inevitably leads to frustration. And more failure.
Remembering and Reviewing What Works does not mean that you sit around feeling proud of everything you’ve accomplished to date. It doesn’t mean that you get complacent and think you’re the greatest ever or that you don’t need to continue working, building and growing.
It means you are pushing the success button within you before you picture your future goals. As a result you are flooding your brain and nervous system with positive feelings before you begin your new quest. You get into the game expecting to win instead of hoping you don’t lose.
You may think you are already positive, so there’s no need to review your best moments, but let’s take a look at famous athletes and martial artists.
Do you think they refuse to remember and review what works? If they don’t follow the process I am outlining here, they will get sloppy and sloppiness leads to an ass-kicking.
In Dr. Maltz advanced course, Zero Resistance Living, you are taught precisely how to activate the SUCCESS MECHANISM WITHIN.
If you don’t have this course yet, I strongly suggest you get it NOW. It’s the BEST course there is for helping you take charge of your life, to turn dreams and goals into reality.
If you do have this course, I strongly suggest you continually review it.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey