“Have a goal every day, no matter how small.”
– Maxwell Maltz, M.D.,
from The Essential Psycho-Cybernetics – our newest book that combines four of Dr. Maltz’ classics.
Charles Runels, M.D. went from being a small town doctor to one whose inventions and protocols are used throughout the world.
Recently, he told me that one of the most valuable things I taught him was the importance of having a daily practice. He told me how following this seemingly small piece of wisdom catapulted him to success in largely unforeseen ways.
There are many people who would not consider a daily practice, of anything, to be a goal. These people think that ALL goals must have definite targets, including a date of accomplishment.
This is not the truth.
Consider this: When you were much, much younger, and you picked up a pen to write, or a crayon to draw, did your parents immediately approach you and tell you that you need to have a long-term goal with a definite date to become a professional writer or artist? Did they encourage you to model Benjamin Franklin or Michelangelo?
I don’t think so. And if they did, can you imagine how much you would resist and rebel against the idea?
Well, this same type of resistance often takes place in your adult life when you are pushed to set big, scary goals, instead of getting started with the here and now, something much more tangible.
It is enough to watch you get started on something that may turn into something huge, if you continue with a daily practice.
So yes, observing a daily practice is one way I teach to become a professional goal getter. And for many, it is the most valuable goal you will ever form because it is one you GET on a daily basis.
Every day, after your practice, including on the days when you encountered the greatest amount of psychological resistance, you can look in the mirror and declare victory. You can declare that you have won another mental battle over yourself. You didn’t give in to laziness, boredom, frustration, or whatever distraction was airing on the news. You got the job done.
And that deserves a big, “Hurrah!”
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. I’m having a Goal-Getting Intensive on January 15, at 7 PM EST, wherein I explain the ULTIMATE DAILY PRACTICE, the one that beats all others. This Goal-Getting Intensive is filling up FAST. Interested? Email me for details: goals@psycho-cybernetics.com