Look at it this way, you’ve been trying to improve yourself long enough. And chances are it ain’t working. So stop it. Give it up right now.
I’m serious.
There’s nothing about your SELF that needs improving or can be improved.
What needs improving is the way you approach life, the way you think, breathe and move and do. That’s it. And none of these constitute the SELF.
The first idea most people get wrong is thinking that something is wrong with them (the self). Nothing wrong with you.
What’s wrong is thinking something is wrong with you.
Sure, your health can be improved, as well as your relationships, your bank balance, your abilities, skills and so on – but none of the above is YOU.
You take nothing with you when you leave this plane, so stop thinking that you are your body, your thoughts, your feelings, your memories, your lineage, your family, your status – and so on.
None of that is YOU.
You are this invisible force behind the scenes in everything going on in your life. You observe it all. And you play a pivotal role in creating all of it.
Then you forget. And that’s when you get into trouble with your SELF.
You start blaming the self, as if it did something other than observe what YOU were doing.
So stop blaming the self and change the way you breathe. Close your eyes and inhale deeply. Imagine pulling a cool spring of clear water through your feet that ascends all the way to the top of your head. Now exhale slowly and repeat.
Do this nine times.
Afterward, sit with eyes closed and notice how different you feel. Take note of the fact that you made no attempt to improve your SELF. All you
did was breathe different. And this led to positive feelings.
Repeat to yourself, another nine times, “I can improve any area of my life I want, except my self.” Relax and breathe as you say this to yourself.
As you go into the rest of your day, continue to pay attention to your breathing. Focus on improving the thoughts you think, the way you breathe, your posture, and anything else that matters to you. But leave your SELF alone.
Matt Furey
P.S. Hey, want to attract greater financial freedom? Then get off your SELF and focus on the WAYS that will get the job done for you. I show you how my smashing best-seller, 101 Ways to Magnetize Money.