I was driving home last night after enjoying a sweat in the sauna and a plunge in the pool.
Had the AM radio on, listening to the post-game analysis of the Los Angeles Lakers getting swept by the Denver Nuggets. My cauliflower ears were taking it all in.
Then the sportscasters gave way to a commercial. And guess what this commercial was all about?
It was none other than an out-of-state law firm urging parents to call their offices if their son or daughter has been harmed by social media, in particular, Instagrunts and Flakeybook.
What kind of harm?
Anxiety disorders, eating disorders, depression and suicide.
This lawsuit must be BIG LEAGUE if they’re advertising on late night radio.
Social media has its upside, but the downside is terrifying, especially for children who are addicted en masse, and are suffering major psychological damage.
I use social media very sparingly with an “on and gone” policy. I get on to make a point or post and leave as quickly as I came on.
I do NOT scroll through everyone’s feed, ad nauseam. I rarely reply to anyone’s postings, but not because they don’t have value or I don’t care.
It is because of the deleterious effect the social media apps can and do have on the brain, and how they were deliberately created to be ultra-addictive.
Are these APPS more addictive than smoking, drinking and drugs? I believe so, but don’t take my word for it. Do your own research.
Better yet, see if you can remove yourself from these APPS for a day and take note of how your nervous system reacts. If you cannot live without them for one day, much less a couple of hours, is that proof of addiction? Well, you tell me.
It’s amazing to see all the lamebrain parents who use their young children, even their infants and babies in videos on social media to get attention. How desperate and dumb can these people be?
One of the keys to living a great life is the ability to clear your mind. This, my friend, cannot be done if you’re responding to every prompt and bleep on social media. Your brain and nervous system need a rest – and they need a rest EVERYDAY.
When your brain and nervous system gets a rest, a wonderful thing happens: You recharge and rejuvenate your body-mind.
You might think that this recharging can be done with any type of physical exercise, but the truth is that almost all exercise programs deplete your energy and bang up your body.
When I go to the gym to use the sauna and pool, it is amazing how many “fit people” are limping and gimping around. And they continue to do the same exercises that are contributing to their demise.
There are a few ways you can exercise to restore and reignite your energy, to rid your body of aches and pains.
And the very best way, the ultimate way, the way that gives you back your power, is my Power Postures course, which continues to escalate in price and value because the benefits are MASSIVE and MAJOR.
Armed with the exercises I teach in Power Postures, you energize yourself physically and mentally, increasing your strength, stamina and flexibility. This is a far better idea than being a scrolling slave on social media.
The current fee for this program will be going up again soon. Make sure you jump on this NOW.
Matt Furey