Earlier today I received a message from Tom, who thanked me for my previous email, Exposing the Massive Action Myth.
Tom relayed how he bought everything in regard to changing your self-image. He bought every book, every audio program, every everything he could locate.
He set upon a course of MASSIVE ACTION and guess what happened? He overloaded his nervous system and ended up doing NOTHING for a couple months. Unintentionally, Tom became the proverbial rabbit in the tortoise and hare story.
If Tom would have known that the myth of massive action would run him into the ground, he would have chosen a different course of action. And now that he DOES get it, he is beginning again, this time, though, with a systemized approach of taking one step at a time so that you can be on your journey for your entire life instead of only for a couple weeks.
Previously, I covered the analogy of the 1,000-mile journey. If you walk as far as you can each day (massive action) and I walk five miles a day, at first glance it may appear that you will arrive first, but the reality is that you’ll do exactly what Tom did. You’ll push too hard, too soon, and you’ll be forced to rest because your nervous system is fried from the effort, and it is forcing you to shut down.
Meanwhile, I appear to be lazy. My goal is ONLY five miles per day.
Yes, I can go beyond five miles when I’m in a state of momentum, but I don’t have to. It’s up to me.
Everyday I begin again with the same old boring five-mile goal – and as a result, I kick butt.
In the end, my five-miles per day system removes the resistance from the equation, and I crush the massive action model, exposing it to be a myth, sham and outright lie.
Keep in mind, you only get one breath at a time. Even if you want to take five breaths at once, you cannot. This is all the proof you need that hurrying and scurrying cannot be the key to success.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. I’m meeting with a client in a half-hour. He’s been with me for more than 15 years. He can do the unthinkable, so it seems. But I will stump him today. When he leaves he will want to take massive action to get better FAST – but, thank goodness, he is aware of this tendency and will over-ride it. Why? Because every time he’s taken massive action, it backfired. Now he eliminates the angst and the resistance and the feelings of overwhelm by doing what I teach.
Start small and you can have it all.
Start too big and you stumble on every twig.
Recommended resources:
Psycho-Cybernetics – Updated and Expanded
Zero Resistance Living – for advanced players only
Theatre of the Mind – for those who love my stories and enjoy the sound of my voice