Sorry to disappoint, but this isn’t a “No money, no honey,” message.
It’s even better than that.
When my son, Frank, was 18 months of age, I was sitting on the floor with my wife, putting books in envelopes to take to the post office.
I was listening to an audio program about prosperity as I worked, and the next thing you know, my boy starts pounding a box with a spoon while singing, “Money, honey. Money, honey.”
When I heard Frank singing this, I stopped everything I was doing. I grabbed a pen and wrote those two words on a card, thanking him while doing so.
Think of all the awful mental images people have about money.
It’s dirty.
It’s filthy.
It doesn’t grow on trees.
It’s evil.
But this is nothing but programming.
My son didn’t have such software installed in his brain when he was a baby. Neither do you.
We learn negative thoughts about money – and forever afterward, our life reflects these ideas, unless we interrupt the program and get updated software that brings a different reality into existence.
Money will take on whatever flavoring you bestow upon it.
It will go where it is appreciated.
It will stay away from those who resent, despise or condemn it.
Make money sweet in your imagination, put a smile upon its face, and you’ll find it a lot easier to magnetize into your life.
Matt Furey