You may recall the Olivia Newton-John music video, “Let’s Get Physical.”
I’m not going to get into the lyrics of said song, but I am going to make a point about Psycho-Cybernetics that no one else has made before. And that point is…
Psycho-Cybernetics works faster when you are engaged in something physical.
There are many reasons for this, but chief among them is that your physicality establishes verifiable, quantifiable proof that the mental gymnastics you are doing are working.
Por ejemplo, if you are involved in a sport or athletic endeavor, you can picture a result – then go out and make it happen. You can prove to yourself that the way you picture things in your mind does make a difference.
I remember working with a young-boy who had never scored a goal in the sport of soccer. He was only eight years of age at the time and the final game of the season was close at hand. I taught him how to visualize scoring his first goal, and later that day he went out and scored three goals.
In two years of the sport, not a single goal. Within a few hours of using visualization, three goals.
Now you may chalk the above up to “coincidence,” but when these same sort of coincidences continually take place after visualizing, it’s pretty hard to pooh-pooh them.
If you’re not involved in a sport and don’t feel inclined to do any type of exercise, this reality can serve as the greatest of proofs imaginable.
You begin to mentally picture yourself going for a walk, and then you do so. You picture it again the next day, and you go for a walk again.
You picture yourself walking everyday for the next 30 days and you end up going for a walk all 30 days. Before those 30 days began, you never went for a walk on your own.
You might think this is not a reflection of “mind power,” but it most certainly is. You formed a mental image and your body followed through with action.
Once you realize you can train your body to follow the commands of your mind, the “other stuff,” such as making money, is a whole lot easier.
Your ability to get your body to do what you mentally picture it doing, teaches you to use your mind in other areas, with the same type of results.
Keep in mind that you cannot “get physical” without the use of mental imagery. You don’t get out of bed without picturing it first. Same goes for taking a shower, brushing your teeth and eating a meal.
You picture it, then you do it. You never “just do it.”
A client sent me a video of himself getting into a tub of ice water. Before doing so he continually repeated, “Don’t think about it. Just do it.”
For well over a minute he continually repeated this “mantra.” Then he got into the cold tub.
It was a great video… but did he “not picture himself getting into the water?”
Of course he pictured himself in the water.
If he didn’t see himself taking a cold plunge, he wouldn’t have done so.
The reality of what he did (not what he said) was as follows…
Picture it fast – then do it.
And do it before you over-think it with a bunch of fearful, doubtful mental pictures.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey