Inside each and every human being is an automatic mechanism that operates in one of two ways: As a creative success mechanism or as a failure mechanism.
Which mechanism we are using at the present, depends largely upon what we’ve programmed into our minds – or what we’ve unwittingly allowed others to put into us.
The mental imagery we habitually picture in our own minds is what we tend to get out of life.
Whether we realize it or not, the people we associate with play a large role in either helping us move up – or keeping us stuck. Hence the saying: Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.
Whether we choose to believe it or not, we are influenced by the people we associate with.
Every interaction counts.
Whether we talk face-to-face, over the phone, over Skype, by text, Twitter or Facebook – everything counts.
When I look at HOW I got to become a champion athlete, there are many factors that went into it – but having a great coach was a major part of it. The same is true of my study of martial arts, business, and so on
Somewhere along the line I was influenced by someone who knew more and knew better than I did.
Now, the question many people have is, “Can you break out of the doldrums when you’re surrounded by people who want to keep you down?”
The answer is yes.
But there is a process because most people aren’t going to instantly manifest the very person who can and will help you.
The process starts with beginning to think BIGGER..
Not BIG.
I said, BIGGER.
You begin to see yourself rising UP and OUT of where you are.
How do you begin to SEE YOURSELF this way if you’re surrounded by negativity?
Well, subscribing to this email is a start. Understand that “readers are leaders” – or, as Mark Twain would say, “The person who does not read is no better off than the person who cannot read.”
Read the classic best-seller Psycho-Cybernetics, and discover the unstoppable power of a positive self-image.
Get audio programs on Theatre of the Mind and Psycho-Cybernetics as well, to reinforce the message while you’re driving.
As you begin to do these things, keep them to yourself. Your job is lifting yourself up first, not those who are negative. You cannot help others unless you’ve helped yourself, so keep your vision, your goals, your mental images locked inside your own mind.
Everyday, begin to think BIGGER. Not so big that you’re fearful and timid about taking action. But big enough that you can see yourself in a better place.
Once you’re in a better place, think BIGGER again.
And keep doing this until one day you come to a realization such as, “I believe I can do anything I set my mind on.”
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey
P.S. Another thing you can do is be a part of the Matt Furey Theatre of the Mind Facebook group. You’ll be able to watch videos that are helpful, including one I am putting up this week on How to Defeat the Failure Mechanism.