Sometimes the best way to mediate or visualize is sitting. Sometimes it’s standing. Sometimes it’s lying down.
And then, many times, the ONLY best way is to move.
I have found the FASTEST way to clear your mind and eliminate negativity is a moving meditation practice I learned in China, called Dao Zou.
I’ve written about it and spoken about this practice for more than 15 years.
It’s still a big part of my daily practice as it puts me into a feel good state almost instantly. And the times we are living in today make Dao Zou even more valuable and vital than ever before.
Last night I was speaking with a client about how he can utilize this system in a 600-square foot room. Even though he has a maximum of approximately 15 feet from end to end, in his room, I showed him how he can still make the practice work.
As he began to practice, he felt the energy shift.
“Most people utilize sitting or lying down practices,” I told him. “These practices have their place, but in my experience, the ultimate game changer is moving meditation. Tai chi, which I also practice, is a type of moving meditation. But it takes a long time to learn. Dao Zou is different. You can learn the initial elements quickly and feel the shift almost as fast.”
Last week, I was working with another client, teaching him how Dao Zou helps you transcend rather than suppress negative feelings.
I told him how my friend, Mark, suddenly passed away a few years ago, and how I was shook up about it.
I went for a 3.5 mile walk to move through the pain, yet, upon my return, I was still out-of-sorts.
Then I got up and began practicing Dao Zou.
Using a small amount of space, I was amazed at how quickly I shifted from grief to neutral to peace of mind.
Later that day the grief returned. I got up and began using Dao Zou again. Once again, the grief disappeared. I continued using this practice to ameliorate the negative feelings until they were obliterated.
Yes, there is value in grieving, in letting out emotional strife – but grief can also harm the brain and body if it continues unabated.
When I first learned Dao Zou, I loved it because it took me to another level of feel good, creative energy. It also made me more creative and athletic.
But little did I realize at the time, that it would help neutralize negative feelings.
When you move your body in a certain way, slowly, while incorporating Zen-like deep breathing and mental imagery, you can feel amazing without any effort.
In China, many of the longest-lived people practice Dao Zou – or reverse training. It is often prescribed to help people heal and recover from various health challenges.
Dao Zou appears to clear the mind of worry, self-doubt, fear… even sadness and grief, better and faster than anything I have ever seen or witnessed. It truly is the Ultimate in Moving Meditation as it catapults you into an incredibly vibrant state of BEING, super fast.
Now you can claim your copy of Dao Zou at a ridiculously low amount. And if you prefer, you can download it digitally and begin practicing almost immediately, giving you instant proof of what I’m writing about.
Discover the power of moving meditation NOW.
Claim your copy of Dao Zou.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. Yes, if you live in the U.S., we can mail you the DVDs of the product. You’ll need to cover shipping and handling, though.