“Dear Matt.
I’m struggling with motivation to go after my goals. I’m frustrated with myself. I set all these goals that I want and then i don’t get off the couch to go after them. What tricks do you have for someone like me? I’m tired of lying around doing nothing.
Leigh Zee
Dear Leigh Zee
As I have said for almost 20 years now, “Everything in life is a mental picture.” This means that you’re struggling and unmotivated because you have a mental picture of yourself being that way. That is how you see yourself. That’s part of your self-image. The good news is the instant you change your mental picture and see yourself “off the couch,” going after a goal, your emotional state will shift and you’ll get going, especially when you have a realistic goal.
When you are unable to get yourself going, it is almost always a classic sign of setting a goal that is too big. This unnecessarily large goal is an albatross around your neck. It creates resistance to action instead of a focused, motivated determination to succeed.
Inwardly, you realize the goal is too far out, so in response to this you do nothing. You resist and rebel against the very thing you say you want.
You’re not alone on this, either. It’s a BIG CLUB. Which is one of the reasons I am now teaching my Goal Getting™ (not Setting) method. I suggest you email me: goals@psycho-cybernetics.com to request a link to enroll in the Goal Getting™ Intensive I am having on January 15, at 7 PM EST. It’s not el cheapo. It’ll run you $197. Why? Because you need “skin in the game” if you’re really serious about changing your life. There’s only a couple seats left. Let’s see if you’ll claim one.
Matt Furey