The Formerly Ear-Whispered Secret of Success…
“Stop Setting Goals,
Start Getting Them”
The Psycho-Cybernetics Creative
Goal Getting™ Intensive
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
7-9 PM EST – Presentation/Practice Exercises
9-9:30 PM - QnA
Hosted on ZOOM by: Matt Furey, author of Psycho-Cybernetics 365 (available this summer)
NORMALLY - $1,997.00
Today only $197.00
This Event Will Sell Out
Only 23 17 Seats Remain
“The Winner’s Approach… Better than a Bunch of Unfulfilled Long-Range Goals”
"Every day is a lifetime." - Maxwell Maltz, M.D., author of Psycho-Cybernetics
Earlier today, a friend greeted me with "Happy New Year."
I replied: "Happy New Day."
"Yes, Happy New Day," he replied.
He then went on to tell me, "2025 is going to be a banner year."
"Great," I said. "And you'll make it so if you focus on living life with gusto one day at a time, not one year at a time."
He thought about what I said for one second before saying, "That's the truth. Good idea. Make every day a Happy New Day."
"Every day is a lifetime unto itself," I added. "But only if you have a daily goal to work toward; something that stirs your soul; something that takes you out of the time-space reality; something that makes you feel as though time no longer exists because you're having so much fun."
That's my message for you today. It's great to envision this New Year being grand... but the proof is in the 365. It's in the daily doing. The great life is not about one-year resolutions. It's in the one-day doings, repeated over and over.
Keep this in mind as you move through this day and prepare for tomorrow. Turn each day you get to live into a glorious lifetime.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
P.S. I'll be having a Psycho-Cybernetics Creative Goal-Getting™ Intensive on January 15, at 7 PM EST. Here’s what you will come away with from this intensive:
• How you can easily accomplish hundreds of smaller, daily goals this year – and how these goals give you so much momentum that you are naturally able to accomplish the big goals that have eluded you in the past. {Dr. Maxwell Maltz stressed this in his books, but most people who have read the book completely overlook his advice, opting to chase the highest hanging fruit.}
• Discover the most important goal to set that will make all your other goals far easier to reach.
• How to unlock and unblock your energy, raise your vibration, and restore your confidence!
• How to Defeat the Failure Mechanism and that “I can’t” voice in your head without changing your self-talk.
• The only positive self-talk statement you need to get yourself on the path of success and how those who use it are batting 1,000, not .111, not .222 and not .333 - 1,000. {Hint: You have used this repeatedly whenever you succeeded, but because you don’t know what you did in this area, you’re not aware of how to use it in every area of your life.}
• The pitfalls and dangers of setting big long-range goals that scare you and how to counter them with a much simpler approach that leads to far more getting accomplished, not less. {One of my clients was blown away when he doubled his income with this simple approach.}
• How to get unshakable momentum that catapults you to your goal and leads you to tackle the next one. {I recently accomplished a feat of strength that I never thought I could do. By using my simple-steps approach I achieved this seemingly unattainable goal in 22 days.}
• The fastest and easiest way to get started with visualization that works every time. {No, you do not need to see a goal as clearly as you’ve been told, nor do you need to think about it constantly.}
• The right way and the wrong way to visualize your goal and bring it into reality. {This is a hidden-in-plain sight approach that all airline pilots, great athletes, and creators use to go from point A to point B. If I were you, I’d be using it.}
• How to overcome self-doubt and your own resistance to success. {If you’ve ever felt that you’re your own worst enemy, this pen-and-paper technique will astound you.}
• Got limiting beliefs that you think are holding you back? {Wouldn’t it be great if this wasn’t true for you? This means you could be one of those people who not only accomplishes the impossible,” but also the one who says afterward, “I can’t believe I did it!”}
• How often do you need to visualize your goal and for how long? And what is the best way to do so?
• How many goals should I have at one time?
• How many goals do I focus on when I practice visualization?
• What’s more important than visualizing my goals that almost everyone overlooks?
• How do I create and maintain that focused feeling every day of my life?
• How do I overcome frustration and beat the odds when it appears that I cannot accomplish my goal?