One early morning last month, as I was moving from dreamland to a waking state, I received an answer to a question that had been ruminating in my noggin for several days.
The answer came to me in three words.
Give up X.
In my particular case, the X was “coffee.”
Off and on, for years, I toyed with the idea of giving up coffee, but always chose to come back to it, for a number of reasons, one of which is the purported health benefits.
For the most part, I didn’t drink coffee for the caffeine kick. I drank it out of habit. It was part of my daily ritual.
Get up. Make coffee. Sip coffee while reading or preparing for a workout.
Nothing wrong with having coffee – except, maybe it was becoming wrong for me.
So I gave it up that morning, cold turkey. I did so by crafting a different mental picture of myself in relation to the drink, and what I would tell myself each day to stay away from it.
I went 24 hours without a sip of coffee.
Could I go another day without it?
Turns out, yes.
And another?
Now here I am, some 40+ days later, free from the black bean.
As I think about it, the process I followed was incredibly simple. I wondered if the method I used would be effective in eliminating negative emotions, such as fear, worry, anger, doubt, and so on.
Turns out it works on emotions, too.
In order for it to work, though, you must either have “the desire” to give something up, or want to have the desire.
Yes, you can have a desire to have more desire. Interesting, eh?
I thought so, too.
See it. Feel it. Be IT.
Matt Furey
By the way: Increasing desire is something my Mind Power Monthly Coaching Members are learning in illustrious detail. If you want to increase your desire, too, send me an email about your situation and what you want to accomplish.
Also: Here’s the link to order the CLASSIC international best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics.