The media is incredible at keeping us updated on why we should be very, very afraid.
But there’s another side of reality they don’t report. They don’t report on all the people who got the virus, lived through it and will gladly tell you that they’ve been through worse. Much worse.
The truth is that most people on this earth who are struggling, are struggling from illnesses that have nothing to do with today’s top headlines.
More importantly, most people on this earth are healthy and will remain healthy through this entire scare.
If you find yourself watching television to get the latest numbers on how many are infected and how many have died, do yourself a favor and go for a walk, read a good book, spend time with your family.
Fear porn weakens your immune system. It reduces the protective field of energy you have around your body. This means you’re not doing yourself any favors by drinking from the fearful cup each day.
On the other hand, you can strengthen your protective field by doing something positive, something that gives you a feeling of joy, excitement and wonder.
You could learn a skill that you never gave yourself the chance to learn. Maybe you bought into and believed criticism you received at a young age and NOW is the perfect time to rewrite the script.
If you never gave yourself time to draw, to paint, to write, to dance, to sing – jump on it.
If you’ve been wanting to exercise and drop some extra pounds, NOW is the time to do so. My books can definitely help, especially my international best-seller, Combat Conditioning. If you have small children, consider channeling their pent-up energy with Combat Conditioning for Kids.
If you’ve been wanting to improve yourself physically, spiritually and psychologically – you’ve been given a huge opportunity to read or re-read Psycho-Cybernetics. It’s a much smarter choice than watching fear porn.
This entire drama will be over soon. It may take a month. It may take less than a month. It may take longer.
But in what seems as though it were the blink of an eye, this ordeal will be yet another memory, and nothing more.
Yes, it may get worse before it gets better – but it still won’t be even close to what the media is projecting. Not even close.
As Mark Twain would say, “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”
Matt Furey