Whilst most Americans fattened their bellies and bottoms over the holidays, a chosen few who possess the secret of eating all you want and still getting leaner, did otherwise.
We ate just as much, if not more than those who got fatter. Yet, we pulled our pants on just the same Friday morning, and Saturday – and today.
And when we go back to work on Monday, we’ll be full of vitality and energy while the fatter group will clumsily stumble around in a semi-stupor, trying to laugh off the embarrassment and powerlessness they felt and feel about the excess girth they gained.
But laughing it off doesn’t work.
Yet, have no worries because two days from now will be Fat Tuesday – and that’s the day I’ll launch my newest product: The Fastest Way Humanly Possible to Burn Fat.
Be ready to order when I launch because your very lifeline and waistline may depend on it.
Matt Furey