“I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp.” – W. Somerset Maugham
When you look at the above quote, you may get the notion that inspiration strikes first, and that it is followed by action.
Because I’ve written plenty of books, newsletters and emails over the years, I can tell you that inspiration can strike BEFORE or AFTER you begin. Inspiration doesn’t necessarily precede action.
I have encountered this same truth in my training in various sports and martial arts, in learning a foreign language, and a plethora of other activities.
When I was training for the Honolulu marathon in 1990, there were days I wanted to run so much that I overdid it. There were days that I dreaded the running, until I got going. After 100 meters, I was ready to roll. And then there were days that I had to remind myself of “the dream” to keep myself going.
That’s the way it works.
Somedays you’re inspired before you run. Somedays you aren’t. But when you have an appointment with yourself and you are going to “do the thing” regardless of whether or not you feel inspired, a funny thing happens. Your brain and nervous system light up and you begin to feel inspired about what you’re doing.
No professional writer would ever claim, other than in jest, that he or she always feels inspired before getting started. But once the writer’s hands and fingers begin to move and words appear upon the blank sheet or screen, the brain releases dopamine and serotonin, and the writer begins to feel great, perhaps even inspired.
The truth is as follows;
Sometimes you feel inspired to write before you begin.
Sometimes you feel inspired after you begin.
Either way, inspiration doesn’t truly strike until someone and something moves.
Most importantly, it’s the daily doing at a specific time that makes the difference between the good and the great.
Set a specific time to do something on a regular basis and stick to that schedule. Some days you’ll be inspired to engage; other days you won’t. Engage anyway.
Don’t look for inspiration.
Do the thing and the inspiration will come of its own accord.
Matt Furey
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