“It is my belief that each personality does already have a quiet center within, which is never disturbed, and is unmoved, like the mathematical point in the very center of a wheel or axle that remains stationary. What we need to do is to find this quiet center within us and retreat to it periodically for rest, recuperation, and renewed vigor.”
Maxwell Maltz, M.D. – Psycho-Cybernetics: Updated and Expanded
In Asian martial arts, this center within that Dr. Maltz referred to is called the dan tian or “sea of energy.”
In fact, there are three of these centers. The first center is located behind the navel. The second is in the center of the chest and the third is in the center of your brain.
When you put your focus and concentration on the navel or heart center, you begin to feel calmer and more peaceful, almost immediately, especially when you are paying attention to your breathing.
Each day, between activities, you can clear the cobwebs from your thinking, or refresh your energy by focusing on your retreat center.
Once you feel centered, you clear the screen of your mind. By doing this you eliminate any residue from a previous activity that you don’t want spilling into or interfering with the next one.
Matt Furey