The ultimate goal in life is not money, nor fame, nor friend, nor power.
The ultimate goal in life is something called ‘peace of mind.’
Many people think, erroneously, that they will attain peace of mind from the attainment of a goal. But the peace of
mind these people seek NEVER arrives with the completion of a goal.
Momentary happiness – YES. But not peace of mind.
Now, here’s the ironic twist:
You obtain peace of mind in the NOW – by being creatively alive in the moment; by pursuing a worthy goal that benefits yourself and others.
You obtain peace of mind by DOING with the mindset of happiness already being available to you.
You obtain peace of mind by pulling in the positive emotions you experienced in the past – and projecting them into the NOW – as well as into your FUTURE NOW.
You obtain peace of mind by improving your self-image and along with it, your confidence – to the level where you KNOW you can accomplish whatever you set your mind on; to the point where you believe you can bounce back from whatever happens in your life.
You use your imagination creatively and believe that this God-given ability is superior to anything else in the entire world.
Each day YOU and I are given 1440 minutes. What we do with those minutes determines our future as well as how we feel in the present.
When we’re creatively involved in stretching our minds to become MORE than we currently are, we feel good about ourselves.
Consider for a moment one thing you can do today to move yourself toward a worthy goal. Then do it.
I can assure you, in the doing of that thing, your attitude will be different. You’ll feel different and be different.
Because you’re creatively involved in doing something good.
Now, to make life flow even more smoothly, always take a few minutes to enter your Theatre of The Mind. Imagine the person you want to be. Remember that in order for you to make a positive change on the outside, the person you see on the inside must change first.
You have two sets of eyes. The ones you use to observe who you are on the outside. And the set of eyes you use
to observe who you are on the inside.
Picture the new you each day and you will become that person.
For help in doing this, be sure to gift yourself the world famous Zero Resistance Living program the only program that does FAR more than help you achieve your goals and dreams. It helps you create what you want with peace of mind.
Instead of hoping for peace of mind and happiness from the achievement of your goal – which never comes – you have the happiness WHILE achieving your goal.
Instead of 15 minutes of happiness – you have a lifetime of it.
Matt Furey