“There’s a fine line between imagination and reality and no one knows for sure where that fine line begins or ends.”
I spoke the words shown above twenty years ago in a Psycho-Cybernetics training, and today I find no reason to alter them in any way.
All your goals, all your actions, all your habits, are nothing but mental pictures. At first they are nothing but imaginary ideas seen upon the invisible screen of your mind, then they become reality if you move with them.
Contrary to the saying, “Just do it,” no one ever does. Those who think they “just do” are unaware of how quickly their brains process information that is acted upon.
Some people’s minds work so fast they are convinced they take action before imagining doing so. Sorry, that’s not the way your brain works. You see it first, then you do it.
You don’t laugh, frown or cry before seeing a mental picture of something that brings forth that emotion.
You choose your vocation, your hobbies, your to do list, what you eat and where you go on vacation, based upon what you see in your imagination.
Your imagination is real and how you use it can make your or break you.
Yes, you can imagine that your imagination is only imaginary, yet even that idea is a mental picture that you are imagining to be true.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey
P.S. Pure imagination is what I’ll be teaching in my next intensive on Theatre of the Mind. I imagine that it’s going to be a breakthrough experience for those who get to attend. You may be one of the fortunate few who attend. Drop me an email at goals@psycho-cybernetics.com to show your interest.