Here’s an important question: What can you cut out of your life that will enable you to create what you want faster and easier?
If you’re not getting the results you want, perhaps your magnet has rust on it.
You might not think the rust matters, but you WILL when you remove it and experience the difference.
Many years ago I learned that being in debt was the equivalent of going through life with a rusty magnet.
A mentor told me, “If you think you’re magnetizing what you want now, just think how well you’ll do without any debt whatsoever.”
I didn’t realize how true this was until we paid off our first mortgage way, way early.
We began utilizing our venture into “The Law of Subtraction” by adding an extra hundred dollars toward the principal each month. As the months went by, we kept bumping the amount we paid each month. Within a year my wife and I were stunned at how much money we were saving just by chipping away at the principal.
When we began this process, our objective was to cut seven years off our 30-year mortgage. But as we gained momentum, a 23-year mortgage was unacceptable.
Removing the rust of debt became a positive obsession for us. And what a thrill it was when the final payment for our mortgage was made, loooong before it was due.
At the time, our accountant objected to this silly idea of ours. He told us how much money we could save on our taxes by writing off the interest.
I told him, “We are not interested in paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest over 30 years in order to save a few shekels on our taxes.”
He shook his head, thinking we had it wrong when we most certainly had it right. And WE learned the difference it makes.
If you think it’s impossible to subtract debt (or anything else) from your life, reevaluate that notion. It’s nothing more than a mental image, which you have the power to change
Begin paying off your debt and subtracting bad habits from your life in in small chunks. And observe as you do so, how subtraction enhances and aids your ability to create the results you want.
Learn the prosperity mindset. Rid yourself of poverty thinking.
Start your day off with thoughts that empower you.
My book, 101 Ways to Magnetize Money… in Any Economy, will show you the way to prosperity. It will show you how subtraction is a grand and glorious thing.
Here’s the link to get my book NOW…
Matt Furey
P.S. Digital as well as print versions available.