Here something that will get you going…
New video UP on my Theatre of the Mind YouTube Channel.
Go watch it NOW.
Matt Furey
Psycho-Cybernetics - See Yourself at Your Best
Matt Furey's Super Human Success Blog
by Matt Furey
Here something that will get you going…
New video UP on my Theatre of the Mind YouTube Channel.
Go watch it NOW.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
As you prepare for the weekend ahead, here’s a snack to feast on:
“I set out on numerous occasions to get rid of my enormous ego.
I tried and I tried, failing every time. And I couldn’t figure out why.
Then one day, everything calmed down when I successfully added
another ego, an alter ego, who told me to ‘keep em both,’ because…
his ego has no ego.”
Having an ego, small, big or gigantic, is not a problem, or the problem.
Focus on accomplishing something, achieving something, creating something.
Leave yourself and your ego out of it. Or, if you dare, put your alter ego into it.
Either way, seize the day.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
It was a mind-expanding 20 pages. It was loaded to the gills.
Loaded with practical, immediately implementable “goal-getting” information.
I sent the August edition of Theatre of the Mind Masters out early this morning.
Here’s a brief snippet:
“Always remember that QUESTIONS are more powerful than affirmations and self-talk statements.
Questions lead you to the answers you are seeking. Questions force the brain to go on a “search and create” mission.
Questions pull the bow string back so the arrow can fly forward.
What do I want to create or accomplish today? – this question sets the stage. It puts the WHAT before the HOW, where it rightfully belongs.
How am I going to create what I want? – this question comes second. It tells your mind to look for and find the answers that will help you create the result you seek.
If you get these two questions out of order, instead of your horse racing around the track, it is stuck in the mud.”
Also, in this issue, the Waterfall Visualization Exercise. This one is designed to clean your field of negative energy before you practice Theatre of the Mind. It also teaches you to put a protective shield of energy around yourself so that other peoples’ negativity doesn’t affect you, something mucho important when you go to work and/or are dealing with others who want to drag you down.
And then there’s the Empty Space Exercise, where you quickly rid yourself of anxious or worrisome thoughts. I find this especially helpful when driving or flying for long periods of time. If you are an impatient type of person, this one will work wonders for you.
On top of the above, you’ll read about the 8 Unrevealed Truths About Visualization… and
Self-Talk Secrets You Won’t Learn from the Gurus and Life Coaches… these will blow your mind… especially when I reveal the FIVE different openings to use for all these self-talk statements.
And then, there’s the piece about bypassing ALL self-talk statements with empowering questions.
Again, 20 riveting pages that will expand your mind and take you to the goals you’ve set for yourself.
If you want to receive this issue, you need to ACT QUICKLY.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Everyone has had the experience of sitting in a restaurant, or in a waiting room, and all is well until “Bad Luck Schmedlock” takes a seat next to you. Within mere moments, you begin feeling uncomfortable.
Many of us work with people who don’t have high quality, vibrant energy, and their energy gets on us. Just as someone’s positive vibes can make us feel better, someone who has negative vibes can make us feel worse.
What to do?
Well, you can go for a walk, workout, take a sauna or cold plunge… and this can help, to an extent.
But the fastest way to handle the bad vibes is to practice a visualization technique that removes the negative energy from your energetic field.
It only takes a few minutes… and the benefits are HUGE. In fact, the benefits may last the whole day (or longer) because with this visualization, you are also setting up a barrier to the negative energy, so that it bounces off, leaving YOU alone.
As a result, you maintain your sense of calmness and clarity, and are able to remain focused on what YOU want.
I go over this visualization exercise in great detail in the August issue of Theatre of the Mind Masters coaching newsletter, which I sent out early this morning.
There’s still a bit of time remaining to get your hands on this issue, as well as some other goodies.
How do you get in before the doors slam shut?
You do so by clicking here.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Yesterday I sent out an email, explaining that I don’t foresee turning my new book into an audio product.
And my reasoning is sound.
Due to the highly-charged emotional content and the ultra-sensitive recording equipment, it would take me a looooooooong time to do the recording. Every laugh, sniffle, squeak of the chair, eye blink, voice crack or mosquito buzz, is grounds for a re-do.
I know this for a fact, as I have recorded numerous audiobooks, in studio, including Psycho-Cybernetics, Updated and Expanded. Sometimes, even when I read the script perfectly, the director, or the engineer, will say something such as, “I think I heard a noise. Can you redo that paragraph?”
Well, after yesterday’s email, I received a message suggesting I use A.I. to do the recording.
Friggin A.I.???
I don’t think so.
I write my own verbiage. I record my own voice. I would NEVER, EVER, NOT FOR ONE MILLISECOND entertain the idea of using A.I. for a book or audio, or email.
So endeth that cocamanie idea.
Now, here’s the raw and naked truth. As you read my new book, assuming you have a pulse, you will FEEL the deep emotion that went into creating it.
You gonna get that from a nonhuman writing or reading my script? HELL NO.
This means, with el Furecat (and his pet Bengal tiger) at the helm, you will experience the same type of emotion I felt as I wrote it.
Here’s the link to order the new book.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
But it’s a different type of rain.
It’s one that wakes lions and tigers.
It’s hard but it doesn’t hurt anyone.
It helps everyone involved.
Everyone who plays WINS.
It’s not a trophy for everyone –
it’s something much, much BETTER.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
There are things that jump out at you – that you didn’t see before, even though they were right in front of you. You saw them before but NOW, you see them more clearly than ever.
For instance: You are out driving around, going past the same buildings you usually do. You’re taking the same streets, the same roads. The only difference is that you are thinking about finding something.
You may be asking yourself a question, such as, “I wonder where I can find a good (fill in the blank)?”
And then, from out of nowhere, you see the sign in front of the same building you have apparently passed by thousands of times. Yet, as far as you’re concerned, this is the first time you have ever seen this sign. Previously, it never existed.
Back when I was a personal trainer in California, I cannot count the number of people who wandered into my gym after wondering such a thing, and how many of them literally told me, “I drive this way everyday and I just saw your sign, today.”
So, there I was, earlier this morning, re-reading Psycho-Cybernetics for the, umphundredth time. I began with the preface, and something that I figured out long ago, came to me in an even bigger way.
First, I saw the sub headline on the third page of the preface that reads: “The Face of Personality.“
And then, in the first sentence below the subhead, there was this line: “It was as if personality itself had a “face.””
Holy Cow!
I talked about this face behind the face in the Nightingale-Conant audio book, Theatre of the Mind, which you can download at
And yet, early this morning, these same words that I have read so many times, took on a whole new light, a whole new power.
Your personality has a face – and these five words hold one of the golden keys to creating a new self-image and getting the results you want in life.
Once you take hold of this golden key at a deep level, and figure out how to insert it into all your visualizations, look out world, because you are now on a roll.
I’m going to make it easy for you in the forthcoming Theatre of the Mind Masters newsletter, where I spell this out in grand and glorious detail. You can figure it out for yourself, or you can get coached through the process of how to use this face of personality, in a HUGE way.
The deadline for getting this next issue is fast approaching.
Get in NOW – while you can.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
If you’re looking for inspiration, there are two places where it is readily available.
First, you’ll find it within the memories of your previous successes. When you close your eyes and relive your previous winning moments in the Theatre of the Mind, you fire up your brain to create more of them.
Second, you’ll find it when you see someone doing what you want to be doing. Sit still and watch those who are making something difficult look easy. When you do this your brain begins recording what you are watching as though you are also doing it. The more you watch, the more the impulse to get up and begin takes hold of you.
In the beginning, you may find yourself feeling incapable of accomplishing the same thing the other person is doing. This is when the ONCE IMPOSSIBLE – NOW EASY maxim in Zero Resistance Living is real for you.
But when you stay the course and encourage yourself to make incremental, step-by-step changes, and give yourself a pat on the back for small improvements, you begin to make progress. And as far as time is concerned, when you look back upon the process you followed, it won’t be long before you not only have the skills, but your mind perceives that it didn’t take long at all.
Why? Because in an instant, in your memory, you can go back to when you first began. You can go back to when you were beginning to make progress. You can go back to when you were halfway there. And you can go back to the moment when you smiled, pumped your fists in the air and proclaimed, “I GOT IT. I CAN DO IT. I DID IT!”
Matt Furey
P.S. Want to MASTER the Theatre of the Mind process? Want my guidance in doing so? Then go here.
by Matt Furey
“Focus on one goal at a time,
not ten, twenty or one hundred nine.
Focus on one objective and you will see,
how other things get done spontaneously.
It doesn’t matter if you have more goals than one,
what matters is that you’re creating, getting THIS one done.”
– el Furecat, alter ego of Matt Furey
click this link for a very special offer
by Matt Furey
Here’s a little poem my alter ego, el Furecat, wrote that I felt compelled to send to you today.
Will’s Powers
You have a Will for a Reason,
and an Imagination ever ready,
every day of every season.
Although One’s Creative Imagination
beats Will’s Powers 100 times in a row,
I wouldn’t ask for Will’s resignation.
Why not blend the two Ways into One?
And with each hand ignited and at your
command, you’ll witness the Power of Done.
El Furecat
The Prosperity Poet
Have a super day!
Matt Furey
By the way, if you haven’t seen yesterday’s YouTube video, here it is:
Hello and welcome to - the official site for the original (and expanded) teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 35 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics. I’m Matt Furey, author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio book, Maxwell Maltz’ Theatre of the Mind.
When you subscribe to our Psycho-Cybernetics emails, I will immediately send you an email containing a FREE PDF ($100 value) of my Theatre of the Mind Masters Newsletter called Defeating the Failure Mechanism, which also features a Dr. Maltz piece, When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work. This highly regarded newsletter will show you how to apply the suggestions contained within it into your own life… and make changes for the BETTER!
Matt Furey
President, Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation