John and Becky came home from work feeling stressed out. Big time. They wondered what they should do to turn their stress into power.
The answer was on the kitchen table.
John spotted a package and opened it. Inside was a set of CDs and a DVD on how you can create power and results through the magic
of mental movies.
He opened it and along with Becky, flipped through the CDs, thinking about where to begin. Toward the back, they spotted a bonus CD
entitled See Yourself at Your Best.
They popped that CD out, put it on play and sat in silence, listening to the voice guiding them through the best moments of their lives,
followed by some positive projection for the future.
When the session ended, John and Becky were in awe. All the stress of the day was gone. But more than that, they felt an incredible sense of relaxed, effortless power. They felt that all was well. The rough day was now a blessing.
Five minutes after completing the exercise, a prospective client that John had given up on, suddenly called and wanted to meet ASAP.
He wanted to get involved with their program.
John sent me an email: “Coincidence? I think not,” he wrote.
When you do Theatre of the Mind exercises like See Yourself at Your Best – a bonus CD in my new program – you train yourself out of the “rough day” feelings and transform those energies into something “out of this world.”
There’s really no need to end your day feeling bruised and beaten.
You can always end your day on a positive note. All it takes is your willingness to let go of the unproductive past while bringing in gratitude and appreciation for what IS working as well as for what previously worked.
You have memories in your mind and they’e playing in the form of mental movies.
Some of these movies need to be thrown in the dumpster. Others need to be replayed on a regular basis so that you can repeat what you did when you were at your best.
Far too many people live life with their best moments in the dumpster. That’s not where they belong. Your moments are memories to cherish and relive, with gratitude, so that you get many, many more of them.
Being ungrateful is like going to a restaurant where the waitresses are rude. Even if the food is good, you don’t want to go there anymore.
The same is true with the Infinite. When you’re ungrateful, when you’re resentful, you’re given more of the same. But when you’re grateful, you’re given more to feel good about.
Following along with me on the See Yourself at Your Best CD is not only a good way to reverse the feelings of negative stress, it’s ‘the way” to create the flow you want to see in your life.
Matt Furey
P.S. I’m having a bonus teleseminar this Thursday evening for all who have already gotten the NEW program. It’s going to ROCK. Naaah. It’s going to FLOW. It’s going to FLOW so well you’re going to see and feel rocks and obstacles knocked out of your way.