Sometimes the best way to mediate or visualize is sitting. Sometimes it’s standing. Sometimes it’s lying down.
And then, many times, the ONLY best way is to move.
I have found the FASTEST way to clear your mind and eliminate negativity is a moving meditation practice I learned in China, called Dao Zou.
I’ve written about it and spoken about this practice for more than 15 years.
It’s still a big part of my daily practice as it puts me into a feel good state almost instantly. And the times we are living in today make Dao Zou even more valuable and vital than ever before.
Last night I was speaking with a client about how he can utilize this system in a 600-square foot room. Even though he has a maximum of approximately 15 feet from end to end, in his room, I showed him how he can still make the practice work.
As he began to practice, he felt the energy shift.
“Most people utilize sitting or lying down practices,” I told him. “These practices have their place, but in my experience, the ultimate game changer is moving meditation. Tai chi, which I also practice, is a type of moving meditation. But it takes a long time to learn. Dao Zou is different. You can learn the initial elements quickly and feel the shift almost as fast.”
Last week, I was working with another client, teaching him how Dao Zou helps you transcend rather than suppress negative feelings.
I told him how my friend, Mark, suddenly passed away a few years ago, and how I was shook up about it.
I went for a 3.5 mile walk to move through the pain, yet, upon my return, I was still out-of-sorts.
Then I got up and began practicing Dao Zou.
Using a small amount of space, I was amazed at how quickly I shifted from grief to neutral to peace of mind.
Later that day the grief returned. I got up and began using Dao Zou again. Once again, the grief disappeared. I continued using this practice to ameliorate the negative feelings until they were obliterated.
Yes, there is value in grieving, in letting out emotional strife – but grief can also harm the brain and body if it continues unabated.
When I first learned Dao Zou, I loved it because it took me to another level of feel good, creative energy. It also made me more creative and athletic.
But little did I realize at the time, that it would help neutralize negative feelings.
When you move your body in a certain way, slowly, while incorporating Zen-like deep breathing and mental imagery, you can feel amazing without any effort.
In China, many of the longest-lived people practice Dao Zou – or reverse training. It is often prescribed to help people heal and recover from various health challenges.
Dao Zou appears to clear the mind of worry, self-doubt, fear… even sadness and grief, better and faster than anything I have ever seen or witnessed. It truly is the Ultimate in Moving Meditation as it catapults you into an incredibly vibrant state of BEING, super fast.
Now you can claim your copy of Dao Zou at a ridiculously low amount. And if you prefer, you can download it digitally and begin practicing almost immediately, giving you instant proof of what I’m writing about.
Discover the power of moving meditation NOW.
Claim your copy of Dao Zou.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. Yes, if you live in the U.S., we can mail you the DVDs of the product. You’ll need to cover shipping and handling, though.
The Flow Zone
One of the signature practices I spoke about in Theatre of the Mind, is a meditative style of walking called Dao Zou. It puts you in “the Zone” fast.
Dao Zou means to train in reverse – to go backward. Slowly.
But it leads to a quick turnaround in how you think and feel. It helps you gain a feeling of control over your mind and your life.
Incorporated in this seemingly shamanic practice are specific breathing patterns, visualizations and arm movements. When your body, breath and mind are tied together in a seamless way, you place yourself upon a path that transcends ordinary angst, fear and worry.
On numerous occasions, while teaching Dao Zou in person, the transformation from a single session is evident upon the face (and in the eyes) of the practitioner.
I began teaching Dao Zou over 15 years ago, and I have yet to find a single person who wasn’t blown away after a single session. It’s a game changer.
If you’re looking for a psycho-physical practice that will put you in “the Zone,” a practice that will put you into a state of “flow,” on command, then Dao Zou is the way to go.
Find the bliss of the comfort zone, and allow yourself to expand naturally and spontaneously, without force.
Latch onto Dao Zou today and feel an almost instantaneous change in how you feel.
See it. Feel it. Do it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. Interested in applying the power of visualization to your life in a bigger way? Then click here for more information on our coaching programs.
The Worst Positive Thinking Advice Ever Given
If it’s not the worst advice, it probably should be.
When you don’t have a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out, when you’re down in the dumps, the last thing you need to be telling yourself is, “I AM RICH.”
Acknowledging the truth may hurt a bit, but it will also set you free.
Having a financial goal is important, but at the end of the day, you must also acknowledge the facts with questions such as, “Where am I now?”
To move in the direction of what you want, you must simultaneously keep in mind where you are along the way.
Contrary to what so many in the self-development industry will tell you, giving an accurate report of where you are in relationship to your goal will not hurt you. It will EMPOWER you.
Yes, I am telling you that you need to see yourself where you want to be – BUT… you also need to see yourself where you are in this moment.
Self-acceptance is part of the formula mapped out by Dr. Maxwell Maltz in Psycho-Cybernetics.
Accept who you are and where you are in this moment, then work on achieving daily goals that move you in the direction of what is important to you.
Ask yourself, is saying, “I AM RICH,” or “I AM a MILLIONAIRE” working for me? Once you ask this question, accept the answer. And accept yourself in the process.
I have coached people who used to state the above affirmations on a daily basis… and they were no further along than the day they started. In many cases, they were worse off. Yet, round and round they went, hoping that their positive self-talk would eventually work.
Once they realized that mental imagery is king – especially imagery that is mixed with reality-based affirmations, everything shifted toward the positive.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
By the way, the people in my Mind Power Monthly Coaching program are making me proud. So good to be working with men and women who truly “get it” and want to grow. If you want to be involved as well, s
The Only Affirmations that Work
They are usually shocked when I tell them they don’t need to try so hard to change their beliefs, that their beliefs will automatically upgrade when you’ve established momentum and flow.
If you’ve used an affirmation and had it backfire, i.e. the opposite of what you declared happens, tune into what I’m stating.
First, you are not alone. Second, there is a way out of the mess you find yourself in.
Shall I give you an example?
Last week, one of my Mind Power Monthly coaching members, wrote to tell me that he has been stating a positive affirmation for years having to do with wealth and abundance.
It was one of those affirmations I refer to as an “IAMI,” as in I-AM-I.
I am wealthy and prosperous now. I am a millionaire. I am rich. I am blessed. Etcetera, etcetera, blah, blah.
Here’s the kicker: The man told me he could not visualize himself being any of the above.
Yet, after reading my monthly newsletter – he changed his words to those that created momentum and within seconds he was, for the first time in his life, able to visualize effectively. He could see himself where he wants to be. He didn’t attempt to force the imagery into his mind. The imagery came to him, seemingly of its own accord, spontaneously.
Now we’re talking. Now we’re visualizing. Now we’re getting some results.
Dr. Maltz stated how positive thinking that is inconsistent with your self-image does not work.
To put it simply: Positive affirmations and self-talk that are inconsistent with the image you have in mind (and the feeling you have about them) do not work.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. Want information on Mind Power Monthly? Then drop me a line.
The Magic of Visualizing Big
You may have heard about the magic of thinking big.
I first saw a book featuring this same title when I was in high school. It’s a good one.
Yet, the title is somewhat of a misnomer.
Why? Because it’s not “thinking” that you’re doing, at least not in the logical sense of the term.
Years ago I wrote: “There is no magic in logic.”
This sentence came to me when I was explaining mental imagery to a person who always wanted to know the “how” before he decided on a goal, or what I refer to as a “what.”
Instead of deciding upon a goal (what?), then picturing it, he wanted to know “HOW” picturing it would help – or HOW it could even be accomplished.
This question is similar to having a basketball in your hands as you stand at the free throw line, looking at the hoop. The obvious goal is to sink the ball through the hoop, preferably with a wonder-filled “swish” sound. But instead of focusing on the goal, you want to know HOW the ball leaves your fingertips, HOW it travels through air in an upward arc, HOW the ball knows how far to travel, and HOW the ball descends at the perfect time and swooshes through the center of the net.
How does the ball move that way? isn’t a bad question. But it’s definitely out of sequence.
The first order of business is having the goal to put the ball through the hoop. Simple as that. Know the “what” before you look at the “how.”
You can learn the proper mechanics of shooting the baseketball all you want, but if you cannot SEE the ball going through the hoop in your “mind’s eye,” you’re never going to be good at sinking free throws.
Last week I was shooting hoops as I waited for a friend to join me. Before that day, I hadn’t touched a basketball in at least a year, so it took about ten minutes to find my groove.
At first, my shots were off, but in true cybernetic fashion, I used all the missed shots as corrective feedback. This means all my mistakes were guiding me to better, more accurate shooting.
Some of the corrections I made were physical or technical.
But the biggest shift I made was inside the theatre of my mind.
When my friend showed up, I was on my game. I was sinking one swisher after another.
Within 20 minutes time I went from missing almost every shot I took to making seven out of the next eight free throws.
After my friend warmed up, I taught him the visualization secrets I was using and within short order he was knocking down free throws with ease as well.
Many people mistakenly think “I got it” when they have a positive experience such as the one described above. And they make the mistake of thinking they don’t need to visualize anymore.
Just as you need physical practice you also need visualization practice. Both are skills that you continually work on improving. There is no point in time wherein you no longer need to practice.
Keep in mind, though, that you are always visualizing, even if you’re unwilling to see this dimension of reality at this time. So my question is: Are you taking deliberate control of your mental imagery, or are you allowing Random (ran-dumb) to run the show?
When you get up in the morning, do you let Mr. Random decide whether it’s a good idea to brush your teeth today?
If you have a lawn to care for, you don’t mow it once and think your job is done forever, do you?
If you have a garden, would you rid the soil of weeds and think your job is completed throughout infinity?
Your practice continues onward even when you know what to do, even when you can do it exceptionally well.
You either take an active role in determining what you will picture in your mind’s eye, or you allow random forces put images into your mind.
Either way, you will become what you visualize.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
Note: Interested in my Mind Power Monthly Coaching Program? You have a few days left before the cutoff for the next lesson. Email me if you want to be involved.
Do Positive Affirmations Work?
The self-development industry is still teaching out-dated methods that rarely work.
Positive thinking and/or positive affirmations are a prime example. As Dr. Maltz taught so long ago, “it (positive thinking) cannot work when it is inconsistent with the self-image.”
But what do the life coaches teach?
They teach you to “change your beliefs” with positive affirmations and self-talk while doing nothing to change your self-image, the mental blueprint you carry around with you everywhere you go.
Read my words now and listen to me later: You cannot change your beliefs unless your mental pictures change. And you cannot change your mental pictures if you’re encountering resistance from your own mind. A method that bypasses your own resistance and naturally upgrades your beliefs, even if you’re not trying to upgrade them, is the key.
Yes, it’s true. You can upgrade your beliefs without even realizing you’ve done so and without attempting to do so.
Here are some examples of “positive thoughts” that cause resistance and have almost zero chance of shifting your reality:
I am happy and grateful. I am a gazillionaire. I am fit and healthy now. I am now at my ideal weight. I am love and I am surrounded by loving people. Prosperity comes to me easily and effortlessly.
You might wonder why I am disputing whether these statements work. That’s easy.
I’ve watched a ton of others who insisted upon using them, and they got nowhere.
The other day, for example, a client read me a list of his self-talk statements. I took note of how strong the vibration of each statement was as I heard it being uttered. There was only one statement that had a truly positive charge. The rest were weak.
“How would you rate the one you just read?” I asked.
“I’d give it a three,” he replied, sheepishly.
“I see. Well, do you think a three is going to shift your brain, much less your reality?”
“Probably not.”
“How about most definitely not,” I added.
During the rest of the coaching call I helped this man discover how to create self-talk statements that are uniquely powerful to his situation. I’m also teaching him how to visualize each of these statements. That’s the key. Without the mental imagery, you may think you’re making progress, but you really aren’t doing much of anything other than blowing smoke rings.
Here’s another key point: If you’re working on changing your beliefs with words, anything you say or write or think that “pushes you out of your comfort zone,” is ultimately doomed to fail.
Think I’m wrong on this one?
Then go through Psycho-Cybernetics and show me where Dr. Maltz said you need to, “get out of your comfort zone.”
I’ll be waiting. A long, long, long time.
Because it’s not in the book.
I realize that it may appear to you that “everyone says to get out of your comfort zone.”
Well, Dr. Maltz didn’t. And neither do I.
Success comes from knowing how to get INTO your comfort zone.
Yesterday I went to look at buying a new car.
Do you think the salesperson invited me in and offered to bring me a water, coffee, tea, etc?
Hmmm. Good question, eh?
When you have a guest in your home, do you make the person uncomfortable?
If not, then why would you attempt to do this to yourself?
This topic is what I cover in the first lesson of my all-new Mind Power Monthly Coaching Program.
The digital newsletter went out to members on Wednesday – and the other components will be delivered over the next week.
One subscriber wrote to say: Thanks, loved the newsletter. Practical tips that I can use right now and teach my kids. So worth the money!!!
If you want to be involved, email me and I’ll forward you details about the group and what you will receive.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. A heartfelt thank you to all the new subscribers from Nigeria. I am thrilled to have you onboard.
Last night I got on a roll in the sauna.
About 10 minutes into the session, a group of us began speaking about “heated” subjects, and the next thing you know we’d been baking for 28 minutes and 12 seconds.
Normally I stay in for 20 minutes, then take a break. I’m usually aware of the time because I use an app that chimes every five minutes. But last night, when my mind shifted into a different “theatre,” I lost track.
After the sauna I took a 52 degree plunge. Yes, that’s in Fahrenheit. The near-freezing water brought me back to the cold reality where time existed once again.
To build momentum, I gave myself an easy goal to achieve. Something within my comfort zone.
NOTE: In Psycho-Cybernetics, you do NOT force yourself out of your comfort zone. Instead, you find your comfort zone and EXPAND it. This is how you build sustainable momentum. You give yourself small, daily, incremental goals. And you have a system whereby it gets easier and easier to achieve them, so much so that you naturally and spontaneously go further without even noticing. Your beliefs are upgraded without force as well.
Anyway, after a minute of cold, I stepped into a pool of much warmer water for five minutes.
Then I went back into the cold water – and it was easy compared to the first round. And because momentum was on my side, I upgraded the time as I focused on relaxed breathing.
Hormesis, an adaptation response from the sauna and cold plunge, took hold of me.
What was once difficult, became much easier, not from gigantic, big goals, but from smaller, achievable goals that create an on-going sense of success.
Once again, I wanted to do more, not because I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, but because I found my comfort zone and allowed it to organically expand.
Oddly enough, before going for last night’s sauna and cold splash, a fellow coach messaged me on Instagram.
“What big goals do you have for this year?” she asked.
“I only have daily goals,” I responded.
“Ah, haha. Well, what big goals do you have for the day?”
“My daily goals are small. Very small.”
She may have thought I was joking, but I was telling the truth.
As I state in Theatre of the Mind, small, incremental daily goals that establish momentum are more important than BIG goals that cause stagnation.
Tonight I’m going to hit the sauna again. Will I have a goal for longer than 30 minutes?
20 minutes is my baseline goal. If I choose to go beyond 20, it’s either because I decided to upgrade while I’m in the act – or I forget to check the timer due to a heated conversation takes me into a different reality, a theatre, one where I’m in the sauna but unconscious of it.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. I’ll be giving an update later this week or early next regarding the Psycho-Cybernetics Group Coaching. If interested, drop me a line and let me hear why it’s important to you.
The Media’s Role Reversed
Yesterday I drove up to Gainesville, about two hours away, to use the sauna at Gainesville Health and Fitness, a gym that recently re-opened.
My friend, Steve, met me at the front door, and let me enter as his guest.
What a relief.
I haven’t been in a sauna in a couple months, and I sure did miss it. On top of the sauna, this gym also has a cold water plunge pool that is set at about 55 degrees. Most excellent.
Anyway, on the way to Gainesville, I listened to some ancient records of Dr. Wayne Dyer, who revealed in his final book, I Can See Clearly Now, how he utilized the teachings and principles of Psycho-Cybernetics.
As I listened to Dr. Dyer’s talk, I thought about how he would respond to the situation we find ourselves in today. I also thought about how Dr. Maxwell Maltz would respond. And Napoleon Hill.
And I’m pretty doggone sure it wouldn’t be the norm we are seeing today.
None of them would give in to the fear, the panic or the hysteria. None would have allowed the media to tell them what to think.
To summarize, all three of these men believed the outside world is a reflection of our inner world.
Things don’t just happen.
We might think “things just happen” but that’s incorrect.
Everything begins as a thought – and thought is activated by emotion.
The world was created with thought by a Creator who breathed life into it.
This Creator formed you in his image and fortified you with the power to think thoughts, imagine, visualize and breathe life into things.
In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote about calling off the media during an “epidemic.” Here’s what he wrote:
During the “flu” epidemic which broke out during the world war, the mayor of New York City took drastic steps to check the damage which people were doing themselves through their inherent fear of ill health. He called in the newspaper men and said to them, “Gentlemen, I feel it necessary to ask you not to publish any scare headlines concerning the ‘flu’ epidemic. Unless you cooperate with me, we will have a situation which we cannot control.” The newspapers quit publishing stories about the “flu,” and within one month the epidemic had been successfully checked.
How about that?
To simplify, instead of starting and ending each day with “Oh my god, that’s terrible,” begin each day reflecting upon God, and what is good.
Yes, the sauna is good. The cold plunge is good. A two-hour drive to use a sauna is good. A two-hour drive home is good.
And I look forward to going back to Gainesville for another round.
But there’s more good news: Gyms in Tampa open tomorrow, and the one I go to has a sauna.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
Visualization Mistakes
I remember asking a client, “Do you take the time each day to picture a result you want to create for that day?”
“I’m a man of action,” he responded. “I just get up and get going.”
I questioned, “How’s that working out for you?”
“Well, I’m getting decent results, but I think I could do a lot better,”
Taking the time to visualize what you want to see happen before you jump into action may appear, at first, to be an unnecessary step, but there’s a reason that elite athletes, executives and top professionals around the world “picture it first.”
To visualize is to realize.
Oddly enough, many people don’t understand “the mechanics” of visualization. They get hung up or stuck on a number of hurdles.
For example, a man closes his eyes to visualize a goal and cannot see it. When he asks other experts about this, he is told that he’s “not visual.”
Not true.
A lady once told me that she can see the idea of what she wants to visualize, but gets upset when she can’t “see it clearly.”
“Define clearly.”
“Well, I should be able to picture it as clearly as everything in this room, or as clearly as an outdoor scene,” she replies.
“Says who?” I question.
Another sticking point is the idea that you must be able to focus on a single image or goal for long periods of time. If a person’s focus waivers at all, the person thinks he is doing something wrong.
Again, not true.
Assuming that visualization is purely visual and that you must see everything crystal clear are common mistakes.
Visualization is also about feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting and so on.
Yes, and so on….
The other day, a friend asked, “In Theatre of the Mind you mentioned that you need to add emotion to your visualization to make it work.”
“True,” I interjected.
“Well, I’m not sure how you do that?” he asked.
At this point something dawned on me. It’s time to create a monthly group coaching program based upon Psycho-Cybernetics, Theatre of the Mind, Zero Resistance Living and other knowledge I have gathered over the decades, such as martial arts breathing exercises.
And that’s what I intend to do.
If this is something you are interested in, send me an email to state what you want to learn.
More information forthcoming.
In the interim, make sure you are invested in at least two of the programs I’ve mentioned above, as they will probably be prerequisites.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
How Dare You Not Be Afraid!
Yesterday’s email was met with a thunderclap of applause, based on the number of positive responses I received.
Yet, I would be remiss to overlook the fact that some folks didn’t agree with my main point, which was… enough of the fear porn.
One person wrote an “orange man bad,” diatribe. I deleted him.
A doctor friend presented some startling “anecdotal evidence” about why I should be afraid. What was it? His 90-year old grandmother in-law has “never seen anything like this.”
el Furecat replied: “My 97-year old father says he’s been through a lot worse.”
Indeed, he has.
In no way shape or configuration am I saying you should throw all caution to the wind.
My point is simple: Enough of the fear porn.
Fear weakens your energetic field, taxes your internal organs, compromises your immune system, puts you into a cortisol-induced catabolic state, and messes with your psychological well-being.
Thankfully, I have other doctor friends who lean toward optimism. They don’t buy into the fear porn. They understand the power of sorcery and the deliberate and intentional damage it can do.
You may think that viruses have tremendous energy, and they do – but the power of words and mental imagery are far more powerful.
Words have far more creative power than a virus. Words can be used to uplift as well as destroy, they can be used to create calmness or to push panic.
Those who instill and install doom and gloom know the power of words. They understand that people hear words and turn them into mental pictures. And they know that these mental pictures create FEELINGS of positivity or negativity. They also know that people will act, react or do nothing – based upon words and how they are delivered.
You can create layer upon layer of fear by telling people the following: Even if we get through this round of the virus, which is probably going to kill a minimum of X people, it will come back in the fall, and it will be even stronger than it was, and those who think they are immune to it will find out they aren’t, and they will get this virus again, and this time it will probably kill X people, and it will keep coming back, probably two or three times a year, for the next 18-24 years, and it will strip all of us of our DNA, RNA, T-cells, our grandparents, then our parents, then our siblings, then our children and their children’s children, and so on. After this it will attack your cats and dogs. In fact, it may kill your dog this fall, and your cat soon afterward. If you have more than one dog or cat, I suggest you euthanize all of them NOW because you don’t want to go through the horror of losing all your pets. And if you have other types of pets besides cats and dogs, they’re going to get hit, too. They might miss the first or second wave, but without a doubt they will get hit. And there won’t be anything you can do about it. So please, I beg of you, wash your hands, don’t touch your face and wait for the vaccine.
If you think the paragraph above is far-fetched, ask yourself if, six months ago, you would have believed the “far-fetched” narrative we’re hearing and living in today.
What people need now is the same thing they needed six months ago, a year ago, 100 years ago. And what is that: a reason to believe.
Here is what I believe, i.e. my prediction: I believe this virus will come and go the same way all other viruses come and go, regardless of how it was created or where it originated. At the end of this year, the common flu will still be responsible for far more deaths worldwide. Same goes for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and auto accidents. I believe we will also discover that the predictions on the number of deaths won”t be even close to the eventual actuality. And lastly, the drugs that will cure this virus will be the ones that certain people have been saying are either dangerous or won’t work.
That’s my Zen-atative super-intuitive prediction on this situation.
Last of all, should you stay at home? Yes.
Should you practice social distancing? Yes.
Should you wash your hands? Always.
But when you do all of the above, do them with optimism, with faith and with confidence – instead of in a state of fear and panic.
You are stronger than this and every other type of virus.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey
[By the way, if you’re looking to use your time wisely, be sure to grab some of my products at the links shown above. Use this time to improve yourself above and beyond what you previously thought possible.]