Twas eating brunch this morning when a lovely young lady showed up in her light green animal doctor clothes. She stood at the table next to mine, talking to a couple customers.
Being I was focused on consuming my meal, I hardly noticed the gal. But after I paid the bill and pushed away from the table, I could no longer ignore what was happening nearby.
Leah, the animal specialist, was holding the marsupial on her chest and shoulder. At this point I could no longer contain myself:
“Is that a possum?” I asked.
“Yes, would you like to pet him. Possums are wonderful.”
I walked toward the possum as my wife snapped a photo.
“Too dark,” I said. “Let’s try again.”
The lady says, “Let’s move over here where it won’t be so dark, and I’ll duck so you get a good shot of him.”
A good shot of him we got – and now I can say that my day is already off to a good start. Why? Because I did something unique and interesting that I’ve never done before.

Now, think of this: How often do you do something you’ve never done before. How often are you learning something new.
If your answer is, “Another day, same old shit” then I feel motivated to tell you there is a better way to live. In fact, I believe one of the keys to living a great
life is placing a high value on learning something new. Not once a week or once a month. Not just when you’re in school. Not just when you start a new job. And not just for the first 40 years of your life.
I think your life get immeasurably better when you go to bed each evening knowing that you learned at least three things you didn’t know before.
I say “at least three” – but the truth is there will be many days in which you learn 20, 30, 50 or 100 new things – if you’re open to learning.
There will also be days in which you were so busy doing your job, taking care of your children, putting out fires, etc., that you get to the evening and you haven’t learned anything new.
Well, if you were to ask me, I’d say going to bed with nothing new to stimulate your brain is not a good day. So quick, grab a book, listen to a CD or watch a
DVD and learn something new.
One of the ways to keep yourself on target is a journal. In this journal, write the question, “What Did I Learn Today?”
Then quickly enumerate what you learned. This exercise will help emblazon the new connections you made in your brain during the day. And it will keep
you excited about living life at full throttle, with gusto and enthusiasm.
Keep in mind that learning about yourself is even more valuable than simply learning something external.
For example, when you do Theatre of the Mind work, as taught in the Zero Resistance Living System, you will learn so much about yourself that you’ll have plenty to journal about.
You’ll learn the value of your previous successes.
You’ll learn how to cut negative experiences and the toxic energy that go with them out of your life completely.
And you’ll learn how to put yourself on auto-pilot toward success instead of on auto-pilot toward failure.
Right now you can enjoy the Zero Resistance Living System along with 7 life-changing perks for 25% off the value of the entire program. Go see what I mean NOW.
And if you get the chance to pet an exotic animal anytime soon – do it.
Matt Furey