“You can look in the mirror and tell yourself you look good. But there comes a day when you look in the mirror and the mirror says you look good. And that’s an achievement.”
Matt Furey
Psycho-Cybernetics - See Yourself at Your Best
Matt Furey's Super Human Success Blog
by Matt Furey
“You can look in the mirror and tell yourself you look good. But there comes a day when you look in the mirror and the mirror says you look good. And that’s an achievement.”
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
“Visualization changes you physically, energetically and spiritually. You are affected on all three of these levels anytime you imagine with feeling. Any image you hold in your mind and add emotion to will set wheels in motion. Whether or not these wheels are transporting ‘goods’ or ‘bads’ depends upon the image you hold and the feeling you imprint upon it. To change who you are is never a physical task. It is psycho-spiritual. We see ourselves with outer and inner eyes and make judgements based upon what we view with our inner senses. Your self-image is what you see with your inner eyes. It represents who you are now and what you will become in the future now.”
Matt Furey
Note: Last chance to enroll in THE FLOW II is now upon us. Let’s do it.
by Matt Furey
“Far too many people stress when given a goal that challenges them to be far more than they think they are right now. This stress blocks the flow and leads to poor performance. It’s far better to give yourself a simple, clear, open-ended goal of constant improvement, regardless of how good you become along the way. Small steps are achievable without tension. Big steps forward are really many small improvements compiled over time.”
Matt Furey
Note: Only 3 seats remain for The Flow II. Nab them while you can.
by Matt Furey
“Don’t try to be powerful. Don’t try to be anything. Nature doesn’t try, it just is. Be natural. Stop trying so hard to be something. Imagine and feel what you want to be – then be relaxed and smooth and power will effortlessly flow out of you like a fire hose. You can try with all your muscular power all you wish, but no beautiful movements will come from it. When you engage your body, breath and imagination in what you do – when you FEEL what you’re about – heaven and earth will move to help you create a smooth, flowing, effortless type of effort that most will never experience. Why? Because most think, erroneously, that physical effort is supreme, that everything is about mechanics. When you’re demonstrating FLOW in action, only a fool talks about mechanics.”
Matt Furey
Note: Only 5 spots left for The FLOW II. Get them while they last.
by Matt Furey
Here’s one of my favorite proverbs. It’s worthy of posting where you’ll see it often:
“Vision without action is daydream.
Action without vision is nightmare.”
—Japanese Proverb
Good one, eh?
By the way, only 6 seats remain for The Flow II. If you want to learn how to embody the Japanese proverb in this email, and much more, enroll now. It’ll shift your life into the stratosphere.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
“Your mind and body will make adjustments to achieve an objective – or they won’t and you’ll fail. Most fail because there’s more of a mind-body disconnect than a mind-body connect.”
Matt Furey
Note: Only 9 seats remain for The Flow II. Grab one and “get connected.”
by Matt Furey
“If you think you have tomorrow, you’re avoiding the NOW. Even though you’ll probably have many more days left on your journey – act as if all you get is now. Play like it’s your last game. Practice with adoration and love in your every step. Work with others in a harmonious way. Talk to others with kindness. Now may be your last chance to make a lasting positive impression.”
– Matt Furey
Note: Putting off the decision to attend The Flow II? Start right now on this nasty habit. Do now what you’ve been putting off til tomorrow. You’ll be ecstatic you did.
by Matt Furey
“Don’t ever think you cannot do something just because you haven’t done it before. if you made all your decisions that way, you’d never learn to walk, talk, eat, ride a bicycle, paint, draw, sing, dance or watch t.v. It’s perfectly natural to go after things in life that are totally new to you. New experiences, new friends, new activities, new places, new jobs, new, new, new. New is fresh. New is enlivening and invigorating. Nothing great about the ‘same-old same-old.’ Life is meant to be lived fully in the NEW NOW. Not the old now. The NEW. Keep this in mind today as you take in a new breath in each available NOW.”
– Matt Furey
Note: The material I’m going to cover at The Flow II is off the charts. Anyone who thinks they’ve seen it all or heard it all or experienced it all when it comes to what I have to teach is sadly taken. Not mistaken. Taken. Two days at The Flow II in Clearwater, Florida, this November, will be looked back upon years from now as the pivotal moment in time where your life got better and better and better. Believe me NOW and experience it later.
by Matt Furey
“It’s been said that to live fully you must detach from all worldly desires. But how can you do such a thing? You do it by enjoying your desire while not being attached to it. You love your work. You love your play. You love what you’re studying or practicing. You’re grateful for your rewards and awards. You’re pleased with your compensation. You enjoy the journey of going after what you want. Yet, you need none of these to be happy. You’re happy NOW – for one reason and only one reason. You are in flow – you are in harmony with nature. Every wonder under heaven is possible for the one who is in flow. That, my friend, is the unspoken truth on this matter.”
– Matt Furey
Note: The Flow II is filling up fast. Enroll now and you’ll receive the experience of a lifetime. You’ll discover what you may never have a chance to learn again. Ever.
by Matt Furey
“When it comes to the art of living, you are guaranteed nothing. There is no guarantee you’ll live to see another day. There is no guarantee you’ll be granted another five more minutes of anything. We make goals and plans as if we have guarantees, and that’s important, yet, at the same time this can lead to ingratitude and a feeling of scorn toward the precious moments we are living NOW. We assume we have forever to get focused and really go for what we believe in. But this is wrong thinking. You only have NOW. That’s it. This is your life. It doesn’t begin tomorrow. It’s happening this very instant. If you choose to squander your time, do so consciously while adoring your inhale and exhale. If you choose to use your time wisely, do so with calmness and serenity. Either way, be conscious of your breathing and grateful for the moments you have. This will lead to an effortless change inside, whether you currently realize it or not.”
Matt Furey
Note: The FLOW II is selling out fast Be sure to enroll NOW so you can experience what it’s like to be free – to create the life you want, moment by moment, in the NOW, without tension, fear, doubt or dread. Enroll NOW as the fee is going up in another NOW.
“The word cybernetics comes from a Greek term that means ‘a helmsman who steers his ship to port.’ Psycho-Cybernetics is a term I coined which means, ‘Steering your mind to a productive, useful goal …. so you can reach the greatest port in the world … peace of mind. With it, you’re somebody. Without it, you’re nothing.'”
– Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of 30 million copy best-seller Psycho-Cybernetics
Matt Furey has a FREE PDF of a "lost" special report by Maxwell Maltz called "When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work" - and how to put it to work in your own life and how to put it to work in your own life.
Copyright © 2002-2016 Psycho-Cybernetics, LLC
Hello and welcome to Psycho-Cybernetics.com - the official site for the original (and expanded) teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 35 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics. I’m Matt Furey, author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio book, Maxwell Maltz’ Theatre of the Mind.
When you subscribe to our Psycho-Cybernetics emails, I will immediately send you an email containing a FREE PDF ($100 value) of my Theatre of the Mind Masters Newsletter called Defeating the Failure Mechanism, which also features a Dr. Maltz piece, When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work. This highly regarded newsletter will show you how to apply the suggestions contained within it into your own life… and make changes for the BETTER!
Matt Furey
President, Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation