“Act without trying.
Breathe without interruption.
Laugh without smiling.
Go without moving.
Love without hate.”
– Matt Furey
Psycho-Cybernetics - See Yourself at Your Best
Matt Furey's Super Human Success Blog
by Matt Furey
“Act without trying.
Breathe without interruption.
Laugh without smiling.
Go without moving.
Love without hate.”
– Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
“The most vulgar word in the English language is only three letters: t-r-y.
The person who tries to do something – or anything, accomplishes nearly nothing.”
by Matt Furey
Yesterday I started a visiting client on an exercise regimen that takes only four minutes.
That’s it.
Four minutes and you’re D-O-N-E.
Today is a totally new day – and despite how much this client enjoyed the workout – the same feeling wasn’t playing on her internal radio this morning.
She was in ‘R’ mode.
She was using the ‘R’ word without saying a word – coming up with excuses to delay the workout.
Now let me ask: Is resistance a physical or a mental block?
If you answered “mental” – you are correct.
Unless there’s an injury or illness, there’s nothing preventing you from exercising for four minutes.
So what do you do to overcome the resistance?
Instead of trying to overcome the resistance with positive thoughts – you begin to break it up with deep breathing.
You start by inhaling deeply and letting it go. From there you can move on to inhaling vital energy and exhaling laziness, lethargy and fatigue.
With a total of nine deep breaths, your inner psychology begins to change without you even trying to change it.
No attempted adjustments of thought or belief.
Just change the way you breathe and you’ll change who you are.
This doesn’t mean you never adjust your thoughts or beliefs. You simply recognize the pecking order; the top priority.
You can overcome challenges most easily when you incorporate the breath first and mental imagery second.
Get rid of the cruddy thinking without thinking – then begin to picture your goal.
Upon doing this, the resistance retreats and you’re “doing without doing.”
You’re taking action, not with dogged, determined effort, but by following the movie playing in your mind.
When you follow the movie in your mind and it harmonizes with what you say you want, you eliminate resistance and become the person you have been admiring from within.
This is what I taught my client this morning. We started with deep breathing, as we did yesterday.
The resistance faded almost immediately and knocking out the 4-minute routine was a cinch.
Apply this to any situation wherein you encounter the ‘R’ word – and you’ll move through it with ease.
Matt Furey
P.S. If you already own a copy of Psycho-Cybernetics, you may want to know what to get next:
I suggest the following three courses:
1. Theatre of the Mind – this is the 10- hour audio program published by Nightingale-Conant. People who have this program tell me they have it playing non-stop in their cars.
2. Advanced Psycho-Cybernetics Private Coaching Facebook Group – in this group you can watch 17-hours worth of video that were part of an 8-week coaching program I conducted recently. You can also ask questions that I and others in the group will answer. Email me for more information on this extraordinary life-changer.
3. Zero Resistance Living – a massive home study course with two big manuals and 12 hours worth of audio.
by Matt Furey
Today I’m going to begin covering a list of steps you can follow to become YOU, to transform yourself into the person you want
to be – and were born to. be.
Not a version of yourself, but you, yourself and…
“you are.”
It doesn’t take much to begin changing into who you really are, either, and you’ll clearly begin to see and experience this shift as you follow the steps I give you.
Step 1. Do NOT Get Out of Bed When You Wake Up
When you wake up in the morning, sit on the edge of your bed and breathe before you get out of bed.
Yes, you read the above correctly.
Do NOT get out of bed when you wake up in the morning.
Instead, roll over to the side of the bed and assume a sitting position.
In this position you will place your feet firmly on the floor and begin to lengthen your spine in both directions, but not by doing it.
You simply imagine and feel that your spine is stretching up and down simultaneously. That’s all.
There’s no “trying” to do it. There’s no “just do it.” You only imagine it happening and feel it happening – and you observe as it…
This is the true power of intention.
Now, once your feet are flat and your spine is stretched in both directions, you begin to pay attention to your breathing.
You lightly inhale and exhale through your nose.
And as you do this, you begin to imagine that your body is a big pile of sand – and most of it is above your head – instead of in your body where it belongs.
So you begin at the top of your head and you allow the sand to melt down the hourglass (your body).
You allow the sand to descend through your head, neck, torso, waist, hips, thighs, calves, ankles …’
then into and through your feet.
That’s it.
You’re done.
Now you get up and begin taking your first step on your lifetime journey through the day.
Instead of feeling tired and sluggish, you feel renewed and rejuvenated.
You are refreshed.
You are YOU. You’re at peace with yourself. And it feels good.
Give this a whirl today and let me know your thoughts.
Matt Furey
P.S. If you already have Psycho-Cybernetics, Theatre of the Mind and Zero Resistance Living – then perhaps you’re interested in the 8 Week Coaching I did LIVE in a private Facebook Group.
This summer I cut back on the number of people I am privately coaching – but there’s good news.
I can open the private Facebook Group to others who wish to partake in it.
If you’re interested in following the entire eight weeks of coaching along with the group who already took it – a good 17 hours worth of video instruction – then drop me an email and we’ll be in touch.
by Matt Furey
As the saying goes, “If I had a nickel for every person who told me he can’t visualize, I’d be a wealthy man.”
It’s astounding yet true that many, many people read books on seeing a goal in their mind’s eye, yet feel inadequate and/or unable to do it.
Many people learn that some people can’t visualize because they’re mostly kinesthetic or auditory.
I’m not in agreement with these assessments because I’ve found it relatively easy to teach virtually anyone to visualize… if you replace the ‘v’ word with imagination.
When it comes to “imagining” a goal, you can use whatever senses you want. You can see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it, touch it and/or intuitively download it.
In fact, if ALL you do is SEE the goal in your mind’s eye – that’s probably not going to be enough to start your engine.
Yes, it could – but it’s probably not going to be sufficient.
Bring in as many senses as you can – so long as they make sense.
Instead of only seeing the ball go into the hole or hoop, hear it go in and feel excited about it.
The legendary hitter, Ted Williams, the last MLB player to bat .400 in a season, remarked that he could smell “burnt wood” when he hit the ball correctly.
Williams also cooked his bats each day to remove excess moisture he truly believed accumulated during the day, making his bat heavier.
Crazy as Willaims’ ideas may sound, they allow you to see that despite his 20-15 vision, he was also tapped into a sense of feel and smell, not to mention sound.
So the next time you think you can’t visualize – or that you’re not doing it “right” – relax, take a few deep breaths, change dictionaries and begin using your imagination.
Matt Furey
P.S. You already own Psycho-Cybernetics and want to go to the next level? My recommendations are shown below:
Theatre of the Mind – legendary audio program I created with Nightingale-Conant
Zero Resistance Living – 12-week advanced home study course replete with two mammoth workbooks
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
“I am a billionaire.”
“I am seven-feet tall.”
“I am a basketball player in the NBA for the Golden State Warriors.”
“I am … I am… I am….”
In the uncanny world of self-development, none of the foregoing statements are lies – even though they are.
If they’re not lies, then, what are they?
In positive thinking speak – they’re called…
Delusional. Hallucinatory. Exaggerated.
Absolutely, they are – but try to convince the positive thinker otherwise and you’re fighting a losing battle – unless you’re armed with high-powered persuasion skills.
Even then, though, you’ll need someone willing to drop all the pretense and bluster and be real.
But wait a minute – isn’t Psycho-Cybernetics all about being a positive thinker?
Psycho-Cybernetics is about changing your self-image, the way you see yourself. It’s about being honest with yourself – in terms of your past and your future.
It’s not about telling yourself you are something when you aren’t.
If you’re not a billionaire or millionaire, there’s no thought crime for stating the truth. Being honest will help you go to the next level – whereas the phony positivity has far less chance of helping you.
If you want to go somewhere in life, you must know where you are now. You cannot set proper coordinates if you tell yourself you already are where you want to be.
This is probably one of the main reasons why Psycho-Cybernetics has such grand appeal with athletes and coaches.
You cannot hide the truth about your record.
How many wins v. how many losses?
What’s your free throw percentage?
How many steals?
How many tackles, interceptions or fumbles?
How fast do you run the 40 or 60?
I’m talking about real data you can see on paper and verify.
“I am MVP of the league?” – well, let’s check the record books and see.
“I want to be MVP of the league…” – that’s a very different story.
You have a goal. You recognize you are not there yet.
So you put the time in.
You picture what you want – but you also picture where you are NOW – in relation to the goal.
That’s Psycho-Cybernetics.
It’s positive and life-changing because it deals with the way things are as well as the way you want them to be.
If you want to achieve your goals and dreams – and do so without fighting with yourself about what you believe, then take the next step forward.
Start where you are – then move.
Matt Furey
P.S. If you already have Psycho-Cybernetics and want to know what’s next, then be sure to grab a copy of Theatre of the Mind – the audio program I created with Nightingale-Conant.
by Matt Furey
Wouldn’t you know it?
Some people won’t even take a deep breath to see if it makes them feel better or perform better ….
UNLESS you can provide scientific proof for the process.
11 years ago I wrote an article for a website about Dan Gable’s LBA Success Formula.
LBA stands for:
Listen, Believe, Apply.
The editor of the website rejected the article, the first time this group had ever done so, because “it wasn’t scientific.”
I actually did fall out of my chair when I read her reply. I also spit out my coffee and ran to the toilet.
I thought to myself:
Let me get this straight. An Olympic and World champion who coached for 21 years at the collegiate level and won 15 team national championships in that time frame – and you want “science?”
How about you listen to what this coach is saying? Maybe he’s got something there for you.
What’s the fear? What’s the hangup?
After all, part of the reason you “apply” what you listen to and believe is to determine whether or not the action works.
If you find out, after listening and believing that the action doesn’t work – then move on to something else.
Let’s say you golf or play tennis. Take a deep breath before each shot and see what happens.
Take a series of deep breaths when you feel nervous or anxious.
And see what happens.
If you’re a surgeon or an artist or a musician, incorporate deep breathing into your routine, and then you’ll have your own science – which will be classified as anecdotal – but who cares?
By the way, there is scientific evidence to support the Chicago Cubs using deep breathing on their way to breaking the 108-years long curse of the Billy Goat.
You can do a search for studies on deep breathing – or you can just start doing it.
I teach a number of powerful ways to breathe deeply in Theatre of the Mind.
I don’t want to spoil the movie for you – or in this case, the audio program, BUT, you can even inhale all the way to your heels.
It’s not scientific. We don’t have lungs in our feet.
But you can actually imagine you’re doing this and when you do so, you may feel SOMETHING uncanny taking place.
In Chinese martial arts, this is called “the yi moves the qi and the qi moves the blood.”
Said differently: “Your intention mixed with imagination, moves the vital energy and the vital energy moves the blood.”
This is an example you can FEEL if you listen, believe and apply.
Matt Furey
P.S. Theatre of the Mind is a product I created with Nightingale-Conant – the top self-development company in the world. It’s over 10 hours and contains a number of visualization CDs that will guide you to your fondest dreams and goals.
by Matt Furey
When a child is born, what is the first thing the newborn does to get more living out of life?
Does the child repeat a positive phrase, mantra or affirmation?
Or visualize?
Or set goals?
Here’s a startling statement:
From what I’ve observed, most people who study and teach in the field of self-development, skip the step that carries the greatest charge.
And what carries the greatest charge?
It’s the power contained within a relaxed and deep breath.
Did you know the Chicago Cubs were cursed for 108 years?
That’s correct. They were cursed because a ticket holder who wasn’t allowed to bring his pet goat into the ball park with him, got angry and “cursed” the team.
That’s why the Cubs were a disaster for 108 years.
At least that’s what many people truly believed.
Then along comes a new manager who believes in some very strange ideas and principles … one of which is … “deep breathing.”
It’s no surprise to me, then, that the Cubs broke the curse and won the World Series in 2016.
After all, I’ve been telling people about this miracle that’s available to all for decades.
Over and over in my Theatre of the Mind audio program – (over 10 hours worth of material that Nightingale-Conant published three years before the Cubs won), I spoke about the uncanny power deep breathing has in your life.
It’s Biblical, too.
There’s a reason, back in the book of Genesis, that God breathes life into Adam. It’s instructional just as much as it is allegorical.
You can add more life to your goals and actions by breathing life into them.
Now, what’s the first thing you did after being born?
You took a deep breath.
Sure, you cried, but that was part of expanding your lungs and your life, too.
I can understand how some people scoff at visualization and the use of your imagination.
They don’t understand how their own mind works when they function at their best – and don’t care to learn, either.
But I have a much tougher time with people who scoff at the value of deep breathing.
Your breath is your power. It comes before your word.
Your breath is the key to adding a little something special to everything you do, that others can never quite figure out.
Your breath holds the key to breaking the bonds, the negativity, the limitations that seem to be running your life.
They aren’t. And you’ll see how this is true when you breathe through them.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Now go hit one out of the park.
Matt Furey
P.S. The Theatre of the Mind program I referred to in this dispatch is NOT the 20-minute DVD you may have seen years ago. This is a full blown course on the subject and those who have the program listen repeatedly because it’s that good. In fact, many listeners tell me it’s THE BEST program they’ve ever heard.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
by Matt Furey
In the wide world of sports and martial arts, coaches who are “in the know” make statements such as…
“Nice and smooth.”
“Less is more.”
“Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.”
“Let yourself go.”
“Let your body do it.”
“Try easier.”
“Play loose and relaxed.”
Now, you might think this is all well and great for athletes and martial artists – but what’s it got to do with “me?”
Well, my friend, as the saying goes, “You’d be surprised.”
As I spoke about in Theatre of the Mind – whether I’m coaching someone in business, or writing, or public speaking, or tai chi – the answer is still the same.
Inhale – exhale.
Before every pitch. Before every swing. Before every shot or play.
Inhale – exhale.
Before you write, before you do surgery, before you recite a word in a spelling bee or paint the fence.
So much of feeling good about ourselves boils down to how we breathe and how much tension we hold in our bodies.
The same goes for how we perform any given task.
This is why the most important “first” step in changing your self-image, is to change the way you breathe and the way you feel.
It is NOT to change your beliefs or your thinking. It is NOT to set new goals, better goals, more specific goals – or to develop a “killer plan of massive action.”
The first step is following the naturally just so. And what is natural is easy to find by observing the newborn baby.
What does the baby do first?
The baby breathes.
The baby is also incredibly relaxed – and this is why babies are able to learn so quickly. This is why they will absorb and believe virtually anything you teach or say.
This is why it’s no surprise to me NOW (it was then), that the very first lesson I had in tai chi back in 1991, was with a Chinese master who told us the secret to getting good was to become a baby again.
This meant I needed to learn to breathe the way babies naturally breathe – and to relax the way a baby is naturally relaxed.
Deep breathing and physical as well as mental relaxation habits, these are the hallmarks of the high achievers you want to model and emulate.
And that’s why I spent so much time speaking about it in Theatre of the Mind – (the 10+ hour program that Nightingale-Connt published for me in 2013.
It’s also why members of my Theatre of the Mind Facebook group are raving about it.
Inhale – exhale.
Nice and smooth.
And change your life for the better.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
“Change your thoughts – change your life.”
So sayeth the guru…
You attempt to do so – and it doesn’t work.
Have you ever tried to change your thoughts and the exact opposite of what you intended happened?
Have you ever written out affirmations that you were assured would change your beliefs, and your negative beliefsgot stronger?
Have you ever tried to visualize a specific result, and images other than what you wanted distracted you?
The situations listed above are real for many people who attempt to change their lives for the better with self-development methods.
And it’s NOT because you can or can’t change your thoughts.
You can change your thoughts – but attempting to do so at hethe beginning of a race is a mistake. Your muscles and your mind aren’t warmed up yet.
This is why, in Theatre of the Mind, I repeatedly talk about the importance of deep breathing.
Deep breathing is a warmup lap and loosening exercise for your brain and nervous system.
Deep breathing is the filter that finds and discards the tension in your mind and body.
With deep breathing alone, you can change your thoughts and feelings.
This is why more and more top athletes and artists are catching on to what I’ve been saying for over 25 years.
They’re becoming more Zen-like in their approach. They’re doing what the Shaolin monks have been doing for centuries.
They’re beginning whatever they do with deep breathing.
And when you begin with deep breathing – you really can change your thoughts; you really can change your self-image; you can
change your life.
Matt Furey
P.S. Everyone I talk to who has a copy of Theatre of the Mind tells me how it plays continuously in their car, day in and day out. Thank you so much. I love it.
“The word cybernetics comes from a Greek term that means ‘a helmsman who steers his ship to port.’ Psycho-Cybernetics is a term I coined which means, ‘Steering your mind to a productive, useful goal …. so you can reach the greatest port in the world … peace of mind. With it, you’re somebody. Without it, you’re nothing.'”
– Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of 30 million copy best-seller Psycho-Cybernetics
Matt Furey has a FREE PDF of a "lost" special report by Maxwell Maltz called "When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work" - and how to put it to work in your own life and how to put it to work in your own life.
Copyright © 2002-2016 Psycho-Cybernetics, LLC
Hello and welcome to Psycho-Cybernetics.com - the official site for the original (and expanded) teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 35 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics. I’m Matt Furey, author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio book, Maxwell Maltz’ Theatre of the Mind.
When you subscribe to our Psycho-Cybernetics emails, I will immediately send you an email containing a FREE PDF ($100 value) of my Theatre of the Mind Masters Newsletter called Defeating the Failure Mechanism, which also features a Dr. Maltz piece, When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work. This highly regarded newsletter will show you how to apply the suggestions contained within it into your own life… and make changes for the BETTER!
Matt Furey
President, Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation