Yesterday we launched the Psycho-Cybernetics 365 Official YouTube channel.
And the first video we put up is on How to Defeat the Failure Mechanism.
Please make sure to like, share and subscribe.
You can watch the first video here:
Matt Furey
Psycho-Cybernetics - See Yourself at Your Best
Matt Furey's Super Human Success Blog
by Matt Furey
Yesterday we launched the Psycho-Cybernetics 365 Official YouTube channel.
And the first video we put up is on How to Defeat the Failure Mechanism.
Please make sure to like, share and subscribe.
You can watch the first video here:
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Here’s an email I recently received, along with my answer:
I recently subscribed to your (email) newsletter and I’m loving it so far but I have a couple of questions on the proper way to apply psychocybernetics. So, I’ve been experimenting and I’ve noticed a few things:
With that in mind my question to you is this. How do you pursue long term goals? Do you pursue them at all or do you break them down into short term goals and focus on those, or do you visualize your long term goal and then focus on your short term goals? What is the best way?
Great insights and questions, Julian.
First, I don’t have long-term goals, at least none in the five, ten, or 20-year range. I have never found them useful or effective, in part because the time-frame is too big. A one year goal works much better for me.
Second, I break my goals, including daily goals, into bite-sized, easily digestible nuggets. As I tell my students, “Grab the low-hanging fruit.” This gets you into action quickly and leads to momentum.
An example of the power of this is easily seen in the following: Back in 2008, I had a goal to write 8,000 words in a single day. This isn’t something I would recommend for a beginning writer, and it was a challenge for me that I wholeheartedly welcomed just to see if I could do it. Incidentally, unbeknownst to me, I had already written this many words previously (30,000 over a weekend), but I wasn’t keeping track back then.
So I got up in the morning and an idea for a book, 101 Ways to Magnetize Money, came to mind. I began by writing the title on a 3×5 card. Then I focused on making a list of the 101 Ways.
After doing this I had a feeling of momentum, so I continued with the next goal, which was also simple. It was to write the first sentence for each of the ways I had listed.
When this was done, I went for a walk on the beach. Upon returning to my laptop, I began writing until I had 2,000 words recorded. This was followed by another walk along the beach.
I repeated the above until I had written 8,000 words.
But by that point I had so much momentum established that I decided to continue until the first draft of the book was completed. I began at 7 AM in the morning and at 6:10 PM, I was finished.
I then looked at the bottom of the word document I was typing into and saw the following: 12,224 words.
This is the power of short-term goals.
But there’s more: That book went on to become a best-seller. In fact, the audio version of that product is now available from Nightingale-Conant, and can be downloaded at
The above illustrates why I primarily use daily short-term daily goals.
Do I have any goals that go beyond daily? Yes. I have one I am working on now with a finish line a few months away. It is an enormous project that I cannot finish in a day.
So what do I do?
Oh, I better add the following: In addition to the aforementioned project, I also carve out time to write and publish my two monthly newsletters, Info-Taining Zen Mastery and Theatre of the Mind Masters, both of which contain the insider-secrets of how I do what I do.
You may want to look into one or both of these as I reveal information that no one else is putting out there, and all of it is game-changing.
Here endeth today’s lesson.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Several years ago, a client told me that when he grew up, he thought his father was perfect.
He never saw his father fail in anything, much less make a mistake.
As a result he grew up with trying to be perfect, the way he envisioned his father to be.
And every time he failed, he felt worse and worse about himself.
After he told me this story, I made sure to do something new, something I wasn’t good at, in front of my son and daughter, so that they could see me zig and zag, to “make mistakes and correct course.”
I took up the sport of bowling… left handed.
I hadn’t bowled in years and didn’t have much in terms of refined technique, even when I bowled right handed.
But left handed? I was beyond awful.
The first four balls I threw went straight into the gutter.
Nevertheless, my son and daughter watched me shake off one mistake after another, and keep on when all looked hopeless.
They saw me get a coach who worked with me on the mechanics and the strategies. They observed me as I took in information I didn’t know, how I took notes, and how I practiced what I was taught.
And when, at first, I didn’t do what I was taught correctly, they saw me remain calm, take in the corrective feedback and make adjustments.
As time flies, it wasn’t long before they saw the transformation in my game. But being bowling is a sport of accuracy, they were still going to see a lot of mistakes and failures.
Within a year I was closing in on bowling 200 with my left hand.
Several times I was sooooo close, and then I screwed up at the least opportune time.
Then one day I wrote my goal of bowling 200 on a sheet of paper with my left hand, and whatdyaknow, the next day I went out and made it happen.
My son and daughter got to witness all of this, and from it they learned the process of creating a successful result.
The moral of this story is NOT to take up bowling. It is to make sure your children at least hear about your mistakes, your struggles and your failures.
Make sure you let them know you are a mistake maker but you are also a mistake breaker. And so are they.
Otherwise, your children may falsely conclude that you never do anything wrong, that they are the only ones who botch things.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey
P.S. I am in the process of creating an all-new Theatre of the Mind Mastermind Group. If you’re interested in ongoing guidance from yours truly, then send an email to me by clicking here.
by Matt Furey
Tonight is the big night.
Record-setting phenom, Caitlin Clark, and the Iowa Hawkeyes take on defending national champion, LSU, to see who else gets to make a trip to the Final Four in women’s college basketball.
This is a rematch of the finals from one year ago, and being a former Iowa Hawkeye, I will definitely be tuning in.
Over the course of this season, although I have been impressed with Caitlin Clark’s basketball skills, I am not a fan of her whining and complaining.
This isn’t a female thing to me, where I condone men complaining but think it unseemly for women to do the same. I find it disgusting in either situation.
What I hate to see in sports, are athletes moaning, groaning, pissing and hissing during the game itself. Shut yer yaps and get on with the game.
Much of the complaining and theatrics we see in sports today, in my view, is a trickle-down from the NBA. The palms-up gestures to the referees, the flopping, the driving for a layup and expecting a foul call when no one touched you, the falling down and feigning an injury… all of it sucks.
On top of that, there’s the poor officiating. It’s almost anything goes, for some players, who are allowed to double-dribble, travel, palm the ball, commit offensive fouls and scream at the referees, with no ramifications whatsoever.
What used to be a foul is no longer a foul. What wasn’t a foul is now one. And technical fouls for some of the superstars are almost never called anymore.
Some athletes are allowed to bark at the refs during the entire game with no consequences. Or they are allowed to take four, five, six or seven steps, running with the ball from half-court, without dribbling, and that is perfectly fine so long as the slam dunk looks impressive.
Now we’re seeing this same type of behavior with competitors in middle school, high school and college.
I was impressed with Caitlin Clark on Saturday, when Iowa beat Colorado to advance to the Elite 8. She not only played well, but her demeanor was calm and relaxed. Noticeably, the other players picked up on her good vibe and their performance improved, too.
Tonight will be an extraordinarily rugged test for Clark. She’ll be facing the same LSU team that annihilated Iowa a year ago in the finals.
Will she play the game with the “calm mind-calm body” approach that she had on Saturday, the one that is taught in Lesson One of the Zero Resistance Living Course?
I certainly hope so and I’ll be rooting for her, unless she starts whining again.
No doubt, it’s tough to keep your composure under pressure, but when you do, the team benefits.
To cultivate the “calm mind-calm body” approach that Caitlin Clark showed on Saturday, to make it part of your daily modus operandi, go here.
The technique is incredibly simple to use, and the results you gain from using it are 100% reliable.
This technique alone turns whiners into winners, and complainers into champions.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
In order to get what you want in life, it’s often necessary to give up something that is blocking you.
Usually the thing that is blocking you is your engagement in an activity that could be classified as nonproductive, or a waste of time.
What is a waste of your time?
Is it too much time before the television? Too much time scrolling on social media? Too much time talking on the phone and/or texting?
There’s always something you can give up so you “have more time.”
Knowing what you want is a big part of the goal getting process, but so is eliminating activities that are standing in your way.
Ponder this for a few minutes with a pen in your hand and a journal before you.
Take some notes today as you imagine and feel.
Now is the moment you will succeed.
You know what you want and you make it real.
For you willingly give up what you don’t really need.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
Procrastination drains you of energy; it sucks the life out of you.
You cannot be happy for long if you are continually putting off until tomorrow what you can and ought to do today.
Much of the time, when someone puts something off, it is unconsciously used as part of a will power strategy that forces the person into action, usually at the last minute when the stakes are highest.
You end up getting the job done in the knick of time, but there is no “hurrah moment” afterward because you are exhausted instead of energized.
That’s the negative use of procrastination.
But there is a positive part to this situation.
When you have a job to do and you’re not quite sure of how to get it done, you turn the idea (or goal) over to your subconscious mind in the form of a question and let it (your subconscious mind) work on it while you are doing something else, which includes, taking a rest.
The result of letting an idea percolate in your subconscious mind leads to ground-breaking ideas that give you more energy, more life, and more action.
In this case, you aren’t really procrastinating in the negative sense of the term. You are using your mind the way it was created to be used.
There’s the “ready, fire, aim” method, which can and does work for some people.
Then there’s the mind picturing method which gets you ready and hurls you into action in such a way that you get things done with effortless effort.
You put off taking action until you have supplied your mind with the goal picture. Once the mind knows the objective, it’s a snap to get yourself going.
When you understand how this type of positive procrastination works, you don’t beat yourself up when you take a break, because you realize that your best ideas often come when you aren’t consciously working on them.
Taking a walk, cleaning a room, jumping in the shower, and making time for a nap are all activities that may seem useless and counterproductive, but the creative engineer inside your mind knows better.
Negative procrastination drains you of energy while positive procrastination increases it.
Remove the albatross of taking immediate action off your neck for a few minutes and relax. Instead, sit in a chair and see yourself doing what you have been putting off doing. See yourself enjoying what you have pushed to the side.
Within 60 seconds of doing this, you will have changed your mindset. And you will begin moving toward what it is that you want.
Keep the following in mind today: You cannot take action without picturing yourself acting first. Likewise, you cannot procrastinate without seeing yourself procrastinating.
It’s the power of mental pictures.
I talk all about it in my audiobook, Theatre of the Mind, available at
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
A quick heads up.
Beginning on Monday, March 4, I am conducting a 30-Day Theatre of the Mind Challenge.
I did one in January and it was a HUGE success. Many of the students benefitted so much that they enrolled for the next one.
In fact, all the employees from a municipality in Massachusetts are on board for this one.
I am NOT currently planning on doing another one this year, so this may be your last chance… EVER!
We will begin each day’s lesson at 8 AM EST, over ZOOM. Each one will be recorded and you will receive a link to watch it again and again after the training is completed.
This means you will have LIFETIME ACCESS to these videos.
During each Monday-Friday session, I will put you through a TOTM (Theatre of the Mind) style visualization that raises your vibration and activates your automatic success mechanism while turning off the failure and frustration mechanism.
Over the course of 30 days, this methodology and system will be ingrained into you for life.
I will explain all the Psycho-Cybernetics principles in a way you’ve never heard or read about them before.
You will be amazed.
I will also take a bit of time to answer any questions you have during the sessions. Each session will run for at least 30 minutes.
Sounds like a brain-enhancer, life-expander to me. What about you? Are you game?
The fee for this challenge is $1K ($1,000) and I have room for two more people.
If you are eager to get involved in this high-powered training, write me at and I’ll get you a link to enroll.
Each session will give you greater clarity and calmness. You will discover and learn the true secrets of visualizing and GETTING your goals that are not being taught anywhere else.
This training will put you into a state of FLOW and GLOW, where you radiate courage and confidence without saying a word.
When you walk into a room, don’t be surprised if heads turn and people feel that you are different.
Theatre of the Mind, along with all the other teachings in this course will remove unnecessary inhibition and over-thinking from your mind, allowing you to get after it each and every day, with unbridled enthusiasm and momentum.
The fee for this training really ought to be $5,000 per person as I waaaaaay over-deliver – but I am offering it to you for the ridiculously low amount of only 1K.
This 30-Day Theatre of the Mind Challenge is going to give you the mind-power to go where you’ve never gone before, and the gumption and guts to do what you may think of as impossible.
It will give you the tested and true way to make your life into the masterpiece you want it to be.
You may need a telescope at the end of 2024 to see how far you’ve come.
What I am teaching in this course is not for Lookie Louise’s or Mal Content’s. It’s not for tire-kickers, whiners and complainers.
Two more spots remain. Get a hold of me immediately at if you want to participate, and if you’re cut out for this program, I will send you the link to get started NOW.
This Challenge is NOT for everyone.
But if you think it is… remember these three words… “Just Get Started.”
The Race is On!
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
A quick heads up.
Beginning on Monday, March 4, I am conducting a 30-Day Theatre of the Mind Challenge.
I did one in January and it was a HUGE success. Many of the students benefitted so much that they enrolled for the next one.
In fact, all the employees from a municipality in Massachusetts are on board for this one.
I am NOT currently planning on doing another one this year, so this may be your last chance… EVER!
We will begin each day’s lesson at 8 AM EST, over ZOOM. Each one will be recorded and you will receive a link to watch it again and again after the training is completed.
This means you will have LIFETIME ACCESS to these videos.
During each Monday-Friday session, I will put you through a TOTM (Theatre of the Mind) style visualization that raises your vibration and activates your automatic success mechanism while turning off the failure and frustration mechanism.
Over the course of 30 days, this methodology and system will be ingrained into you for life.
I will explain all the Psycho-Cybernetics principles in a way you’ve never heard or read about them before.
You will be amazed.
I will also take a bit of time to answer any questions you have during the sessions. Each session will run for at least 30 minutes.
Sounds like a brain-enhancer, life-expander to me. What about you? Are you game?
The fee for this challenge is $1K ($1,000) and I have room for five more people.
If you are eager to get involved in this high-powered training, write me at and I’ll get you a link to enroll.
Each session will give you greater clarity and calmness. You will discover and learn the true secrets of visualizing and GETTING your goals that are not being taught anywhere else.
This training will put you into a state of FLOW and GLOW, where you radiate courage and confidence without saying a word.
When you walk into a room, don’t be surprised if heads turn and people feel that you are different.
Theatre of the Mind, along with all the other teachings in this course will remove unnecessary inhibition and over-thinking from your mind, allowing you to get after it each and every day, with unbridled enthusiasm and momentum.
The fee for this training really ought to be $5,000 per person as I waaaaaay over-deliver – but I am offering it to you for the ridiculously low amount of only 1K.
This 30-Day Theatre of the Mind Challenge is going to give you the mind-power to go where you’ve never gone before, and the gumption and guts to do what you may think of as impossible.
It will give you the tested and true way to make your life into the masterpiece you want it to be.
You may need a telescope at the end of 2024 to see how far you’ve come.
What I am teaching in this course is not for Lookie Louise’s or Mal Content’s. It’s not for tire-kickers, whiners and complainers.
Only five more spots remain. Get a hold of me immediately at if you want to participate, and if you’re cut out for this program, I will send you the link to get started NOW.
This Challenge is NOT for everyone.
But if you think it is… remember these three words… “Just Get Started.”
The Race is On!
Matt Furey
by Matt Furey
“You can’t change the past.”
Could this be yet another one of those seemingly true statements we’ve bought into?
Moreover, could the idea that we can’t change the past cause us to refrain from moving forward into a brighter future?
This morning I had a coaching call with a man who is writing a book. He works on it, then gets sidetracked; works on it a bit more – gets sidetracked again. And so on.
So today I put him through a 3-minute dehypnosis session.
In this session he went back into the past, to a memory of turning in a term paper in 10th grade. The teacher wrote a big red ‘F’ on the front of the paper and told him to redo it.
He refused to rewrite the paper, and he never returned to class with that teacher again. Even the punishment his football coach gave him, several laps around the track each night after practice, didn’t change his mind. To say he “dug his heels in” would be putting it mildly.
And there he was today, some 30+ years later, reliving this memory that he hadn’t recalled for a long, long time.
After 30 seconds of replaying the details of that memory, I guided this man through a life-changing visualization that rewrites the old script and changes the memory of the old movie.
On top of that, I had him picture how he would respond to this same teacher today. This took another 30 seconds, during which time there was a major vibrational shift that took place inside of him.
At the conclusion of this exercise, I asked him to relay the details of his experience with this exercise. As he spoke, both of us experienced the goose bumps that often accompany a huge shift in one’s mindset.
He was now FREE, for the first time in over 30 years, to not only change the past, but to choose a different response if something similar was still happening today, at an unconscious level. He noted that his experience, unbeknownst to him, was a bottleneck that was holding him back.
Not anymore. He’s done with that bad memory. It is now a positive one; a memory that is driving him forward.
By the end of the call, this man had half a dozen more stories to put into his forthcoming book. I can’t wait to read it.
How cool is that?
Daily Dehypnosis is powerful. It takes you out of the trance you’ve been living in and gives you unlimited options that allow you to move forward with gusto and enthusiasm.
Here endeth the lesson.
Matt Furey
P.S. In my forthcoming 30-Day Theatre of the Mind Challenge (beginning on March 4), Daily Dehypnosis is just one of dozens of techniques you will learn that give you the tools to take charge of your life. This class is filling up, so if you want me to send you a link to enroll, send an email to me by clicking here. The course is 1K. We meet Monday-Friday during each day of the 30-Day Challenge at 8 AM EST. Just so you know, this challenge is not for those are sleep-walking their way through life. It’s for the DOERS who are tired of all the excuses, those who want real results they can bank on. If you are GAME, LET’S GO!
by Matt Furey
A few moments ago, an old Heinz ketchup commercial was playing in my mind.
If you don’t remember it, or weren’t around back then, it went as follows: “Anticipation… an-ti-ci-pay-ya-tion is making me wait.”
As I heard these words in my mind, a new word, procrastination, entered the picture.
I found myself nodding in agreement, saying to myself, “Procrastination… pro-cras-ti-na-aa-tion is making me wait.”
Wait for what?
That is the six-trillion dollar question.
Why on earth do we procrastinate, especially on the things that we know we can get done lickety-split? Why do we avoid doing what we know we could begin doing immediately, and be done with, for the rest of the day?
It’s a bad habit. And yet, this bad habit is nothing more than a mental picture we play in our minds. We see ourselves delaying doing something, instead of focusing on getting what we want done.
One of the keys to eliminating procrastination is taking a minute or two to “clear the mechanism.”
You close your eyes and picture a calculator in your hands with a bunch of digits running across the screen. Then you press “C” to clear the screen. As soon as you do this, the residue from previous activities evaporates, and you feel a sense of calmness and clarity.
Once the calculator screen is clear, you take another minute to picture yourself doing what you’ve been putting off.
You see yourself fully engaged in the activity you’ve been avoiding. You see yourself being finished, then you get out of your own way and “get ‘er done.”
Give this exercise from Psycho-Cybernetics a whirl today and see where it leads you. I’m betting be amazed.
Matt Furey
Note: In the Theatre of the Mind 30-Day Challenge, I walk you through exercises such as the one shown above. I answer all your questions and give you the details that help you “get your goals” and create the life you want. The next 30-Day Challenge is quickly approaching. If you want to enroll in the next one, don’t put it off. Get ‘er done. Click here for more.
“The word cybernetics comes from a Greek term that means ‘a helmsman who steers his ship to port.’ Psycho-Cybernetics is a term I coined which means, ‘Steering your mind to a productive, useful goal …. so you can reach the greatest port in the world … peace of mind. With it, you’re somebody. Without it, you’re nothing.'”
– Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of 30 million copy best-seller Psycho-Cybernetics
Matt Furey has a FREE PDF of a "lost" special report by Maxwell Maltz called "When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work" - and how to put it to work in your own life and how to put it to work in your own life.
Copyright © 2002-2016 Psycho-Cybernetics, LLC
Hello and welcome to - the official site for the original (and expanded) teachings of Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of the 35 million copy best-seller, Psycho-Cybernetics. I’m Matt Furey, author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio book, Maxwell Maltz’ Theatre of the Mind.
When you subscribe to our Psycho-Cybernetics emails, I will immediately send you an email containing a FREE PDF ($100 value) of my Theatre of the Mind Masters Newsletter called Defeating the Failure Mechanism, which also features a Dr. Maltz piece, When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work. This highly regarded newsletter will show you how to apply the suggestions contained within it into your own life… and make changes for the BETTER!
Matt Furey
President, Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation