This coming August I’m holding a small-group Psycho-Cybernetics Certification, here in sunny Tampa, Florida.
It’s going to be three days of absolutely mind-expanding visualizations and activations.
When you leave you will feel as though you have a new brain.
You’ll think different, imagine different, feel different and BE DIFFERENT.
Each day when you awaken, you’ll know what to do and when. You will have your WHY as well.
Your life will have purpose and meaning.
And part of that purpose will be helping other people awaken and reclaim their creative power – so they can turn their vision into reality.
It’s not just YOU who has a dream.
Everyone does.
Yet, most people are never taught HOW to make their dream come alive, not just in their imagination, but in reality.
Most people are never taught HOW your imagination becomes your reality.
You don’t want to be one of the “most people” out there, do you?
You want to separate yourself from the masses and be someone more than you currently think you are.
Let me be blunt:
Now is your chance to advance in the direction of what you truly want – and pass it on to others.
By helping yourself succeed, you will have the knowledge to help others.
And helping another human being become MORE is perhaps the greatest gift we can ever give.
Seize the day.
Achieve your dream.
And Pass it on.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
Instagram – @mattfureysays
Facebook Group – Matt Furey Theatre of the Mind