“It is not enough to select goals; your next step is to focus your attention on them with a steady gaze, then reach them.”
• Maxwell Maltz, M.D. – The Essential Psycho-Cybernetics
Dear Friend,
How true it is. To “select” or “set” a goal means next to nothing. It’s one thing to set a goal, but if you set the wrong one, one that is too big and too scary, chances are quite high that you will never “GET” that goal.
The reasons for not setting gargantuan goals are obvious, but they are largely ignored by those who teach goal setting.
Fear paralyzes, so if you set goals that “scare you,” you are unlikely to take action. You are much more likely to go into fight, flight or freeze… not to mention freak or feint.
After those five F’s take hold of you, you give up. You appease.
Even worse, because the very act of “setting goals” has been a negative for so many, when you re-engage and do it again, guess what? You bring all your previous negative experiences of it not working out along with you.
This is why I champion GOAL GETTING™, not goal setting. From the get-go, your focus, your vision and your emotional state are different. You leap frog the negatives from the past and catapult yourself onto success.
This is why it is vitally important to begin with daily goals; goals that build so much momentum and confidence that you become a virtually unstoppable powerhouse of activity.
But what kind of daily goals?
And how many?
And how do I visualize them?
And how many do I visualize at once?
And what if I feel that I Can’t Do it? What if I think I’m a failure?
On top of that, how can I ever get where I want to go in life, I have big dreams, if ALL I am doing is setting daily goals?
Well, I didn’t say that “ALL” you are doing is setting daily goals. I am saying that this is where you begin. It’s where you start.
Truth be told, you never have to go beyond the setting of daily goals, and in so doing, you may be stunned at how quickly you become successful in a big way. So it is never a good idea to completely abandon daily goals. Never!
This past December I accomplished two major goals that I had some serious doubts about. Yet, I rose above those doubts by honing in on what I could do TODAY.
I put zero effort into overcoming or overpowering my doubts or “limiting beliefs.” In fact, I used my doubts and “limiting beliefs” as fuel that moved me toward what I wanted. This is what I am teaching people I coach to do as well, and it’s a much simpler approach than you can imagine.
No matter how good you get at accomplishing goals that are longer term, there is the saying, “What have you done for me lately?”
Ask yourself, “What have you done for me today? What have you done to move the ball forward?”
Think of how ridiculous it would be to ask yourself, “What are you going to do for me 20 years from now?”
Your pivotal point of power is in the NOW, in the moments of TODAY.
See it. Feel it. Be it.
Matt Furey
P.S. A huge note of thanks to those of you who have already enrolled in the Goal Getting™ Intensive being held on January 15. As I told you, it’s going to be HUGE. Because of the demand for this training, the entry fee will be going up sooner than initially planned. Want in? Then send an email to goals@psycho-cybernetics.com to express your interest. Please make sure you do not call it a “goal setting” workshop. It’s not about the “setting;” it’s about the “GETTING!”