2,500 years ago, in the Chinese classic called the Tao Te Ching – Laozi wrote the following….
“Act without doing.”
As you read these words, you might do a double-head shake. At first, these words barely appear reasonable or accurate, especially in a whirld* wherein the maxim of the day is to…
“take massive action.”
Hmmm, put thee pondering cap on, my friend, as you’re about to enter the zero resistance zone.
Consider the superb professionals in ANY field and how we regard them:
The professional speaker who makes the very thing many people fear the most look easy.
The surgeon who is operating for eight or more hours on the same patient and has no sense of time.
The NBA star who swishes free throws without looking.
The writer who is in a trance-like state as she cranks out a novel.
The chef who tastes his dish to reassure himself he’s still living on planet earth.
All of these people are acting – but none experience themselves as a DOER.
These pros are so much in the NOW that neither time nor resistance to action appear to exist.
They think, they imagine and then they are spontaneously catapulted into doing – albeit effortlessly so.
Whether they are taking a few tiny steps each day – or 100,000, they never really feel as though they’re doing anything, because ultimately there is only…
“one step at a time and one breath at at time.”
Being aware of this, LIVING this, means you are in the FLOW STATE, the Zero Resistance Living state of mind.
This is…
“act without doing.”
See it. Be it. And do it without doing it.
Matt Furey
P.S. A few recommendations for you in regard to the above:
Zero Resistance Living
Theater of the Mind
Psycho-Cybernetics – Updated and Expanded
P.P.S. I would also encourage you to join my
Theater of the Mind Facebook group