About the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation
Dr. Maxwell Maltz created his self-improvement phenomenon, Psycho-Cybernetics, at age 61, as the climax to an already varied, colorful and exceptionally successful career.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz
For many years, Dr. Maltz had a flourishing practice as a reconstructive and cosmetic facial surgeon.
Later still he lectured internationally on his medical specialty, and pursued a dual career as a prolific author.
Dr. Maltz was inspired to move from treating “outer scars” to “inner scars” after seeing many patients’ continuing to have feelings of unhappiness, unworthiness as well as personal insecurities that were not cured from surgery, even though they and Dr. Maltz believed they would feel happy when he gave them the perfect new faces they desired.
Dr. Maltz first wrote of this discovery in his book New Faces, New Futures. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Maltz suggested that many people “see themselves” inaccurately, their perceptions distorted by unchallenged and often erroneous beliefs imbedded in their subconscious mind. After a decade of counseling hundreds of patients, extensive research on everything from German missile guidance technology (then more advanced than our own) to hypnosis, and testing his evolving “success conditioning techniques” on athletes and salespeople, Dr. Maltz published his findings, in 1960, in the original Psycho-Cybernetics book.
Psycho-Cybernetics became an instant bestseller and made Dr. Maltz one of the most in-demand motivational speakers throughout the 1960’s and the early 1970’s. Dr. Maltz went on to amass a wealth of “case history” material, seminars, workshops, radio broadcasts, over a dozen books all applying Psycho-Cybernetics to different purposes, from business success to athletic achievement to sex life improvement.
Maxwell Maltz passed away at age 76, but his legacy LIVES on through the instruction and teachings of Matt Furey, President of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc.
Furey embodies the teachings of Dr. Maltz par excellence. After winning both national and world titles in wrestling and martial arts competition, Furey went on to become a best-selling fitness author as well as a mega-successful entrepreneur, especially with his mastery of marketing over the Internet, where he is affectionately known as the Zen Master of the Internet®.
Furey holds packed seminars throughout the year and coaches hundreds of men and women in his highly successful MasterMind/Joint Venture Connection, as well as the all-new Psycho-Cybernetics Coaching Program.
Those who have seen Furey speak LIVE are astounded at how he can walk into a room and hold large audiences spell-bound for hours upon end. Time ceases to exist as an awe-inspiring presence permeates the room. Nothing Furey has to say is “canned” or “scripted.” He speaks stream-of-consciousness, fearlessly trusting in the Universe to give him the very words he needs to uplift and inspire. Oftentimes an audience will witness Furey go on a roller-coaster ride of emotional highs – from laughter to tears to a feeling of profound love and bliss. No one leaves a Matt Furey event unchanged.

Matt Furey teaching Pyscho-Cybernetics business principles
Furey’s rare combination of down-home wisdom and humor are destined to make him one of the all-time great speakers in the field of self-development, motivation and business – and he is quick to credit Dr. Maxwell Maltz as the reason.
Over 30 million copies of Dr. Maltz’ landmark book Psycho-Cybernetics have been sold to readers throughout the world. Maltz’ revolutionary ideas continue to enhance the lives of millions of readers and with Mr. Furey championing the cause of Psycho-Cybernetics, you can rest assured that Dr. Maltz’ legacy will continue to spread.
The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc. owns and controls ALL of the Dr. Maxwell Maltz and Psycho-Cybernetics copyrights, trademarks and intellectual properties. The Foundation also publishes new materials, and coordinates books published and distributed through bookstores, audio books, and other products.
Inquiries about having Mr. Furey speak to your group should be sent to the Foundation via email – info@psycho-cybernetics.com – or by snail mail or FAX as shown below:
Psycho-Cybernetics, LLC
10339 Birdwatch Drive
Tampa, Florida, 33647
813 994 8267 Phone
813 994 4947 FAX
For permission to excerpt or reprint, or for information concerning licensing, contact us at info@psycho-cybernetics.com.
No use of any Dr. Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics or Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, Inc. material should be made without express written permission obtained from the Foundation.
The Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation’s direct publishing program, including its Zero Resistance Living Course, newsletters, as well as its seminars and coaching programs are all administered by Matt Furey, an avid student, practitioner and teacher of Psycho-Cybernetics