Getting things done. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Think of all the unfinished projects, all the half or nearly-completed goals you abandoned; all the “I’ll get to it tomorrow” stuff that’s currently lost in limbo land – and now, TODAY, you’re going to finally get ‘er done.
Then the “rational” voice inside your head gives you some seemingly benign guidance.
“Wait until tomorrow,” it says.
It sounds like a great idea, so you nod in agreement.
Then tomorrow arrives and guess what? You’re no longer excited about the idea.
You no longer think about doing it “tomorrow.” Most likely you forgot you even had the idea and so you begin again, searching for something else that will excite you today – but will require zero action until TOMORROW.
It’s always tomorrow. It’s always manana.
What to DO?
Well, the idea of DOING something assumes that your difficulty in getting things done is a physical issue instead of a “mental game” issue.
Perhaps you don’t need to DO ANYTHING just yet. Why? Because forcing yourself to DO may be the whole reason why you are so reluctant to get anything done in the first place.
There’s a famous copywriter (who passed away some years back) who was fond of saying, “Movement is superior to meditation.”
It always got a laugh, and it appears true – accept for one thing. The guy who coined the phrase was a notorious procrastinator. His ability to put things off was legendary, so much so that the only way you were guaranteed to get any work out of him was to be at his side as you pressured him to get it done TODAY.
The truth is it’s easy to come up with catchy slogans. It’s far easier to come up with them than to LIVE them.
It’s just as easy to whip up a “5 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time” list. In fact, I can double it and make it 10 Ways – and chances are you’ll still procrastinate, put off till tomorrow, delay and so on.
Unless something inside YOU changes. And this something is NOT changed by DOING, by making lists, by checking stuff off your list or by having a sophisticated time management system.
Let me prove it to you.
Listed below are 5 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time. And following each “way” you’ll see how the person who doesn’t get stuff done will often respond to each one.
5 Ways to Get More Done in Less Time
1. Make a list before you go to bed at night – “Great idea, but I’m tired and think if I do it first thing in the morning, I’ll be better off.”
2. Review your list in the morning – “Isn’t making the list good enough? Who has time to review?”
3. Tackle what’s important vs. what is urgent – “If I don’t do what’s urgent I’ll never get anything done.”
4. Exercise each day – for every hour you exercise you’ll get three more hours of productivity. – “Who has time for an hour of exercise per day? Forget that.”
5. Give yourself a reward for getting stuff done. – “I buy stuff everyday whether I deserve a reward or not.”
Okay, enough of the above.
Let’s change our focus to the heart of the “issue.” The real reason you don’t get stuff done is you don’t SEE YOURSELF as a person who gets things done.
Even if you make the list, review the list and start checking things you got done off the list – you won’t keep doing this for very long if there’s been no change in your SELF-IMAGE.
And the chance of there being a change in how you see yourself from behavioral changes alone is very slim.
This is why the majority of people who begin ANYTHING quit within three weeks of starting. Fitness programs and diets are the perfect example of this truth. Big gyms bank on the fact that most of those who sign up for a membership will not go. If they did, you’d need 10X the number of parking spaces.
This proves that DOING before a change is made INTERNALLY leads to NOT doing. If nothing changes inside the brain and nervous system, then nothing substantial or long-term changes on the outside.
Yep, you got moving, you rejected “meditation” – but now you’re back to the same old YOU.
So, how do you get out of this mess?
Answer: Don’t move. And don’t meditate.
Instead, go to the movies in a place called Theatre of the Mind.
In this theatre, you go back in time and watch scenes from the “good old days” – the days when you you got things done easily, without resistance, without struggle – and perhaps without a written list of any sort.
As you’re guided through these scenes from your past, something begins to change within your brain and nervous system. As you SEE YOURSELF the way you were in the past, you realize you can be that person NOW, today as well as tomorrow and every other day.
You SEE yourself DOING first. You SEE it in a relaxed way. No tension whatsoever. And then the DOING is EASY.
You get into a state of FLOW and you amaze yourself and others who you’ve changed for the better.
This means that the most important item on any “to do list” of someone who really wants to get things done but struggles with resistance and procrastination, is the self-image fixer known as Theatre of the Mind.
15 minutes per day will change the way your whole day flows. Instead of fighting yourself to get things done, you’ll just do things, and you’ll do them without any rah-rah or prodding.
Grab your copy of Theatre of the Mind NOW and discover this truth for yourself.
You’ll soon be amazed at how much you get done without feeling like you’re trying.
Matt Furey
P.S. If you already have Theatre of the Mind, then proceed to the full blown program known as Zero Resistance Living, which is currently offered at an 80% discount.