Okay, let’s forget about all this success talk for a moment and get down to the core, the essence, of what Theatre of the Mind does for you.
What major changes can you expect when you use the technique?
Well, there are many, many positive changes that take place in you – but for now, I want to concentrate on five. And all of them begin with the letter “I.”
Let’s start with the first “I” – Imagination.
When you practice Theatre of the Mind on a daily basis, you tap the greater reaches of your imagination. You become more creative. You become more inventive (another “I”). If you’re a writer, you come up with great book titles. If you’re an info-marketer, you get extraordinary ideas for DVDs and CD programs. Or seminars you can hold. You write better – and with far greater ease than most, because your imagination is no longer being held back. You’re letting it flow.
The second “I” – Inventive – I couldn’t help but give you in the preceding “I.” Why? Because those who are inventive are also imaginative. The two go hand-in-hand.
But inventing things is not the only way you become more inventive. You also start inventing ways to accomplish goals and/or tasks that once gave you a headache.
For example, last week I had a coaching call with a man who decided to use Theatre of the Mind on things like getting his car fixed free of charge as well as getting a “bonus” along with a purchase he made. He didn’t use it on bigger goals like “making moohlah.” He’s gaining confidence using it on things most people never consider using it on. How cool is that?
The third “I” stands for Inspired. That’s right. When you do Theatre of the Mind you feel inspired. You take in energy from the ethers, you bring in the heavenly forces, and then you get the juice to do things you used to prevent yourself from doing. Whether it’s taking a trip you always dreamed of, writing a book that you’ve always wanted to write or getting fit for the first time in years – when you do Theatre of the Mind, something clicks and you’re off to the races. Instead of holding yourself back – you’re letting yourself run freely.
The fourth “I” is Intelligence. By tapping into the mid-brain, which you do with Theatre of the Mind, you become more intelligent. You realize, without trying, that you can do virtually anything you set your mind on doing. You can learn to speak a foreign language, or many. You can tackle math or memory problems that used to stump you. And you can even come up with amusing and entertaining wheyz to spell werds and frazes that most cannot let themselvz do because they’re stuck in black-and-white, right-wrong only skool.
As I like to say, much of the time, there’s a little wrong in the right and a little right in the wrong.
Take a look at the Taoist symbol for Yin-Yang and you’ll see how this is true. Those who advocate a solely black-white whey of thinking tend to lead uneventful, boring (unlike the wild boar) lives.
The fifth “I” is Intuition. This is perhaps the most stunning of all the “I’s” that are developed through the Theatre of the Mind practice. Why? Because it comes to you, not by force, not because you set a goal to become more intuitive and not because you’re working on it.
When you do Theatre of the Mind your intuition increases naturally as well as spontaneously because the exercises tap the forebrain, where the seat of higher consciousness and awareness resides. Essentially, you wake up the forebrain and by doing so other gifts come to you in and of themselves.
You start getting answers to questions as you sleep. You start having flashes of what is going to happen before it does. You come up with solutions for others who are struggling,
These are just a few examples of the whirld that opens up to you when you start using your imagination. That’s where it begins.
You start by using your Imagination – the first “I” – and as a result of doing so you not only become more Imaginative, but you also become more Inventive, Inspired, Intelligent and Intuitive.
Wow. What a whey/way/wei to live.
The bottom line is this: If you think Theatre of the Mind is “just another self-help program” – think again. It’s very, very different.
It’ll change your life in ways you cannot currently fathom. Ways that go beyond “success.”
And you can take that to the bank, my friend.
Matt Furey
P.S. Got questions you’d like to see covered in this daily email/blog – then send them my way and I’ll see if I can work them into the mix.